Like Father, Unlike Daughter- Part 2

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A/N: Hello all!  So I managed to complete this arc in two parts so next chapter is going to be some more silliness :).  This chapter got a little long but not long enough to be in three parts.  (5000+ words) It also got cliche at times but I am tried of rewriting it so....yeah.  Also, this book just received it's first one hundred+ views so that's exciting!  I wouldn't be here without you readers so shout out to anyone reading this!  I'll be back in a few days with another chapter.  See you soon!

Trigger Warnings: swearing, torture, longing for death, and physical and verbal abuse.

Editing complete

The next morning came rather abruptly.  The few hours of sleep Abby got felt like only a few minutes and the drowsiness, which hadn't diminished despite her power-nap, seemed to confirm that sentiment.  What time was it anyways? 

The Bad Batch still hadn't left Kamino yet, Abby managed to gather in her half-awake state.  The sound of raindrops pattered against the metal roof of the Havoc Marauder echoed to her bedroom.  Any bright morning sunlight that would've streamed in from her room's small windows was masked by the storm clouds, making her room decently dark.  That didn't help motivate her to get up in the slightest.  Dark means sleep.  In fact the dark would've been peaceful if it weren't for-

"Come on, Abby! You have to get up!" Tech exclaimed, sounding frustrated.

That.  How many times had he tried to wake her up now?  Abby didn't care much about that though, it was too early to get up right now.  Whenever right now was.  Abby was still tired and that was enough reasoning for her.  

"Nooo," she groaned, pulling the sheets over her head. 

To combat this, Tech grabbed one of the corners and yanked the blankets off the bed.  Abby finally glared at him with a disgruntled pout.  Tech pouted back, mimicking her expression, but with a mischievous glint in his eyes.  Today was the day to track down her father. She couldn't exactly say that she was looking forward to it.

'At least I will have the boys with me,' she thought. 

They could make any situation ten times better.  Well, except for waking up in the morning. No one can make that a happy experience.

"I don't want to get up," Abby whined, trying to bury her head in her pillow, the only thing Tech hadn't tried to pull off the bed frame.

"Well, you have to. Come on," Tech poked her shoulder.




"Well then you leave me no choice," Tech fake sighed.  

Before Abby could question or comprehend what he had planned, Tech jumped into the bed and shoved Abby out and onto the floor.  Cursing gravity as she did, Abby landed with a dull thud on the ground.  She rounded to face him, scowling menacingly.

"You asshole!" she yelled, yeeting her pillow at him, which he dodged effortlessly.

"I tried to be nice," he said innocently with a shrug.  

Of course he gave her his puppy eyes which she couldn't stay mad at.  So after only another couple minutes of arguing and Tech bribing her with a cup of caf, Abby finally agreed to get ready for the day. Although she would rather just lay in bed like a slug, hardly moving and doing nothing.  

Instead she muttered some curses under her breath as she dragged her feet over to her dresser.  After carelessly digging around the drawers for a brief moment she found a pair of plain black pants and shirt, the clothes she usually wore under her Mandalorian armor.  Abby tried over to the refresher and hopped into the shower.  The lukewarm water snapped her out of her tired state so effectively it made caf seem obsolete.  Impatiently cursing the boys for stealing all the hot water, Abby hurried out of the shower to finish readying herself for the days work.

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