It all started....

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Hi guys I know I haven't been active on this app but just know I miss and love you all!! 

So let's start in the 5th grade. So I have been bullied for 8 years, no one has ever cared about me except My friends Jaden Gonzalez, Samantha Rodriguez, Sean Mcclearnce, Destiny Rodriguez, Aidan Perez, Isaiah Lebron, Patrick Soriano, etc! Those are my friends now! But my friends before were only two people....Isaiah and Sean. But then me and Sean separated but then we met up again in what the 6th grade! So I used to get bullied by Ken-G, Ximena, Rosalie, Jose Cruz, etc! So I used to like this boy his name is Ken-G yes I know his name is kinda weird but I found it pretty unique! Anyways! I've gotten bullied I've gotten into fights, but they were never serious so I guess you can say the teachers never found out soooo I never gotten in trouble! I am going to be honest yes I did cry, but it's only cause I was very sensitive but that doesn't mean ya should pick on me like the fuck! I started cursing when I was in kindergarten or 1st grade I really don't remember! Anyways so im in 5th grade and i freaking hate it here except for my teacher Ms.Rossi, she was amazing! Next is 6th grade which was also hell! I got bullied by this boy named Jordan Tayo, and his friends. I ended up dating him for a day, but before him i dated this boy named Aidan Perez we are still close me and Aidan.  Okay so when i broke up with Aidan people started to hate me and bully me but of course when i stick up for myself i get threaten to get jumped or punched in the face! Which never happened but i was ofc afraid cause i was still new to that school. Anyways after 6th grade was over 7th grade was not a lot of drama but i got into 2 fights in one day, i had this boyfriend named Steven he wasn't the best boyfriend but he would be so supportive of my decisions of what i did. Thats what i loved about him, he still cares about me till this day. I then dated this boy named Jack but i dated him like in the beginning of the pandemic. Steven was from October 25th to November 22nd we dated for a short period of time cause of my dad he found out and told me to break it off i was so fucking pissed at him, so when he left to work i started crying so much but then i texted my bestfriend about what happened and she said that i should just break it off and i will see him again in the future and i didnt agree at first but i had to. With Jack we met through a game we played and we fell in love we broke up 1 week later after our 1 month cause i needed time to discover the better me, during that time i dated this boy named Israel, he was so sweet, such an amazing boyfriend ever! I wished him the best, i think we only dated for a few days cause i said some dumb shit. I mean to be honest i always ruin things but i we both agreed to stay friends and we are close still! We still talk! So about 4 months after we dated i was alone i stop talking to my friends but i had decided to connect with everyone again, cause i miss everyone. Once i reconnected with everyone it was cool nothing bad happened so everything was pretty chill. It is now October 12th, 2020 and well i guess you can say i got back together with my ex-boyfriend Jack...although i love him, i feel as if im not even in a relationship...I got my checkup to see if i have covid-19. I took some blood work tests, some shots and i did my physical. Everything went well, i dont have it, but to be truly honest i kinda wished i had it cause no one really pays any attention to me but then again im used to it. I have made this friend his name is Iann he is so sweet, he actually helped me through 6 panic attacks and 2 anxiety attacks. Im so glad to have him as my best friend! My school grades right now they kinda sus cause im not doing all the work that needs to be done but i am trying my hardest to get them done! I just told my oldest sister that i am Bisexual but nobody knows this except a few of my friends, im afraid to come out to my family. Im not afraid of needles anymore...yay? I think thats it for this chapter i am so sorry that it took me so damn long to finish this chapter, i just couldnt remember what email or what username this was using so yeah! I hope ya enjoyed my horrible life chapters i hope i can post more soon but i will try to post some of my other books! Bye guys, i hope this made your day happy cause i know for a fact that if i tell anyone my life story it makes them happy cause im miserable and they are not! So yeah! Byee!!!

By the way thank you to everyone who didnt say happy birthday to me on SEPTEMBER 19TH,2020!!!

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