??????u FuKin 10V3💞ME!!?????

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Okay so there is this boy, hes nice, hes my best friend, but he had a crush on me and he asked me out last night  i felt so fucking bad because he asked me out and he knew i had a boyfriend and he said he respected me for not cheating. Again i feel so bad because he texted me saying that we couldve worked it out, we could be the best thing ever, etc... but it like hurted me because i was the only one rlly talkin to him. so i felt rlly bad for saying no.  ***ik not a word but whateverrr***

but then again im no cheater so i had to say no.

now after i said no i asked if my friendship with him was ok he said yes its okay. but i know for a fact that me and his friendship is over because its sooo fucking awkward wit us.


I just dont want our friendship to end because at the end of the day....he is there for me no matter what. and i hate the fact for the first time we actually fought.

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