Broken as always...

4 1 0

SO My father just hates me. I legit had a whole panic attack this morning...He treats me like trash but I'm afraid to lose both my parents but I would love to live with my mama, at least she wouldn't treat me like imma nobody. Like I know Imma fucked up kid but that's his fault. I have been broken since i was 7 years old. I blame that on my father and mother. I blame them. The only reason im a screw up its because of how they treat me and how they talk to me. I had dealt with everyone calling me a whore or a hoe or a nobody or bitch for almost 7 fucking years....I hate it. But no one ever bothers to ask if I'm okay or not!!! Everyone treats me as if im nothing!!! I am so done wit everyone treating me like that honestly!! 

people tell me that i shouldn't pay no mind to it but i just cant....everyone has feelings and the more i keep them to myself the more i know imma start to distance myself!!

Hell!! My own fuckin boyfriend told me i act different now....He blames Jaden and I let him because its true i changed more because of him...Since I liked Jaden for so long it broke me when we fought and ended...but I am trying my best to not think of him but its like everything I do it brings memories of him....


JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

JADEN'S NUMBER!!! 1-917-564-7235

I don't remember his number I had just sent it to my friends so they can prank call him lmfaooo aye in my defense he shouldn't have gave me his phone number.  OKAY I KNOW THIS IS FUCKED UP BUT SERIOUSLY I WOULDN'T DO THIS TO ANY ONE ELSE I KNOW!!!! I JUST WANT HIM TO ROT IN HELL!!! UGHHHHHHHHHHH 


I Just needed that out of my mind!! I should tell you's abt my boyfriend🥰

he is...

1. Nice

2. Funny


4. caring

5. thoughtful

6. sweet

7. Latino

8. handsome

he's literally perfect in my opinion because he's always there for me. I think I Love him more than I did for any of my ex's...

It is 11:59PM abt to be 12:00AM and im fucking crying because my father is leaving me i think? and now i don't know who to choose to live mama or my papa....its hard....

word count: 415

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