Just...Live life I guess???

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Now I don't know to explain it but...if you like someone and you think you got a chance wit that person. Go for it. Don't hold back. If they don't see you for you. Then forget abt them. You do not need them dumb fucks. Now, I know it's gonna be hard to forget abt someone you like/love because I just went through it. It hurts after a while. But Girls you don't have to change the way you look ok?? because u are amazingly beautiful as you are. IF the guy or girl you like all of the sudden starts dm'ing you or start texting ur number **yes dumbest move i ever did** don't act all nervous aii. Here's what you gonna do.

1.  Say "hey" back
2. See what the he/she wants??
3. if he says "yk that i like you right?" ORRRRRRRRR "Yk those things we did the past summer was hella lit, we should try it again sometime if you down??" DON'T DO IT. DO NOT!!!!! DO IT. He's gonna try and link up with yous, just so you can give him sexual attention. YOU do not need that honestly. I made plans wit him and he made me think he actually loved me but in reality he didn't he just wanted sex because he was a virgin...GURLS IF UR MANZ IS CRAZY AND HE LIKES ROUGH SEXZ JUST KNOW U MAY BLEED. ITS OKAY. YOU ARE NOT ON UR PERIOD. ITS ALL NATURAL. YOU ALSO MAY HAVE AN ORGASUM **I know i spelled it wrong but ya know what i mean** 
4. Do not give in when he/she begs. It shows not only weakness it shows how you can just let ur guard down. You cant give him/her that. 
5. If you give them abt 5 days...they will show their true feelings and how they really are. If they leave you within 2 days counting the day they txt u....They were just tryna hurt u. Now in my situation it was different cause i was sus abt how he was okay with me liking girls and boys. It was only for me to have a threesome wit him and my ex-girl-best-friend. yes yes i know. DID I ALSO MENTION SHE STILL SENT HIM NUDES WHILE TALKING HER SHII ABT HIM!!!!! Yet he will listen to some thot who posts her nudes and fake body pictures of "her". I don't believe thats rlly her but idc anymore they not a me problem anymore.

I HOPE MY STEPS HELPED YOU IF THEY DIDNT THEN FUCK!!! SORRY!!! I TRIED. LMAOOO Aii i gtg cook food for me. Yes yes i cook.

Word count: 454

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