FuCk LoVe

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So that relationship wit that dude i had is over so yeah! We broke up legit like yesterday or maybe it was 2 days ago I don't really care. HE CAN GO FUCK HIMSELF. OH AND IF SOMEONE FROM MY TWITTER SHOWS HIM THIS THEN YO JADEN SUCK A DICK. FUCK YOU. MAN THOT.

ANYWAYS....He's prolly living the best life right now. I don't really care cuz MY ASS GOT 3 COUSINS READY TO BEAT HIS ASS. He said he got my nudes lmaoo which is hella funny because like a day after he said that he tells me its a joke and he deadass dont got  them. Guys....he doesnt understand that if he really did have my nudes (****My boobs were just out...i still had a bra on but like my face was also in them IT WAS OVER FACETIME****) Anyways i dont really like my body but i do have a decent amount of boobs so i didnt really care. But he said he was gonna post it and he follows ppl i know in my school and shii. He also has his family and his friends on his followers on Instagram so yeah. But tbh all he had to do is just cover my face and not Tag me and i wouldnt mind at all. I dont like my body. But its all good. cuz i got screenshots of our lovey dovey conversations. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YEAH. 

Aye im not one to hold grudges but I am holding one against him. OH did I mention he deadass tried to fuck me and my best friend well ex-best-friend. Yo shoutouts to those who are true friends and stuck by my side. Btw I dropped like 40 fake ass people. I honestly can't believe i fell in love with this guy. People. I had a crush on him for 3 years...YES 3 years. I did date other people in those 3 years....but it still never really felt right if ykyk. I just wish i didnt let him fuck my emotions up like that. To be completely honest WE WERE SUPER HELLA TOXIC FOR EACHOTHER. Yet we still dated for like...hold plz while i count how many days we dated...18 days lmaoo. Hell we were talking abt Valentines day and that shii...Imma be honest I don't really like this holiday but its cute for couples to spend quality time with eachother...me on the other hand I buy myself chocolates, teddy bears and roses (black) because I don't need people spending money on me. Yes most people may think "oh that poor girl buying all those things for herself." I don't need people spending money on me unless they buying me Food, candy, starbuck, dunkin' donuts and thats it. Thats all they need to do. But yeah me and Him broke up a couple days ago. If ya wanna do da math cuz i know i did it wrong We started dating on January 3rd,2020. 

Guys imma be honest I dont need no manz. Or a babygirl. I really dont. Yo when im telling you that i am sooo fucking happy that we are over. I mean I am done chasing after dudes or girls who don't actually like me and won't put any effort in the relationship. Like i'm honestly so done with fake ass lovers. Like go fuck yourself. Oh and the fact that he has the guts to fucking TALK SHII ABT MY COUSIN GOT ME PISSED OFF BECAUSE HE REALLY DON'T FUCKING KNOW THAT MY COUSIN BRYAN GOES WORK OUT ALMOST EVERYDAY AND HE HAS BEEN INTO FIGHTS, BOXING MATCHES AS WELL!!!  So exactly!! But NGL I do still talk to Jaden...not what friends would talk abt but we talk...when he wants shii. Its weird but its aii.  Ya wanna know something funny MF SAID WE CAN TRY AND GET BACK TOGETHER AFTER THE PROBLEMS GO DOWN. He really said if we can try things again....Okay so i dont know if every girls father is like this but my father does not let me go out with guys at all or go out of my house unless im out wit my cousin. Anyways so i told Jaden that and he was like but you can smoke and get drunk and get high??? tf?? Yes i can do all of those things because at a certain age my father who is Mexican has told me that we need to get used to the smell and taste etc. Anyways...I told Jaden that and he was like oh that shit is fucked up. Enough abt him cause then imma break down. Yes even tho im happy we broke up because we were toxic i still love him...I really love him...I always have...since the first day I met him. Yeah i know sad. 

I have been depressed. I cut my arm. I know bad right. BUT I DON'T CUT DEEP. Which I wish I would because no one and I mean no one would wanna date/love/like/care for me. You wanna know why I think this...I think this because NO ONE FUCKING SHOWS THAT THEY GIVE TWO SHITS ABT ME. You know what fuck it. Im done opening myself to others. Im done. If i break my hands thats on me...i deadass bought this punching bag like 2 weeks ago and i got the hang of it. Im getting better at it.  I really don't need fake ass love.

Word count: 907

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