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"So I will arrange for the valet service to be standing at entrance A from 6-9pm" I confirm with Event Coordinator for the basketball game that is tonight.

Thankfully I don't have to be there tonight so I get to snuggle with my little ones. Challon is 8 months now and Charlotte is about to turn 2. It feels like just yesterday when I had them both.

"so should we do My little pony or Princess Jasmine for Chunky's birthday?" Victoria asked me while we walked back to our car after getting off work.

"I was thinking Princess for the cake and then have some cute pony cake pops"

"Alright text me let me know what I need to get from the store and I'll bring it over."

Victoria and I said our goodbyes so I headed off to get my Charlotte from Daycare and then head over to my moms to get Challon. Thank goodness my mom can watch him full time till he is old enough to go into Daycare with Charlotte. I stop by Food lion (grocery store) to get a couple things for her party this weekend and put my order in for her cake and cake pops to be made by the cake decorator there. I mise well grab some ready chicken and rice for dinner, my black Dior heels click and clack as I walk the isle of the store when my phone rings.

Not noticing the number I dismiss it. Phone rings again.


.........Silence....."Hello? Is anyone there?" I could hear heavy breathing but that was it. I had a gut feeling I knew who it was. I stopped walking with the shopping cart.


"Scott if that's you please just....just let me know you're ok"

I hear a sigh "I love you" He grunts out then clicks the call hangs up.

My mind is going crazy, I start to get teary eyed and just stand there staring at my phone. Why would he call randomly like that? I shake my head and finish doing the rest of the shopping I needed and walked out to my car. I pull up to the Daycare where my baby was at.

"Hey you here for Charlotte?" The younger red headed woman asked.

I smile and shake my head yes.

"Mommmyyyy" I hear a cute little Innocent voice scream from across the room.

My light skinned, curly haired, green eyed little girl came running into my arms.

"Hi mama, you have a good day today?!" I asked and kissed her cute face.

"Yes! I got 4 stars today and we ate peaches at lunch, I love those!" She squealed.

I put her in her car seat and headed off to my moms house for Challon.

"Hey ma" I said while Charlotte and I walked into the house. My mom came from the kitchen with Challon in her arms. His little baby arms reached out to me.

"Hi bubba did you have a good time with Grandma" I asked and kissed his chubby cheeks.

Him and Charlotte look so much like Scott its crazy, the only thing they get from me is my curly hair and slight tan.

I put both the Kiddos into their car seats, kiss mama good bye and then head home.


"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Charlotte, Happy birthday to yoooouuuu!!!"

Everyone cheered and clapped their hands while I held Charlotte up for her to blow out her candles, which of course I helped her with.

Sarah and Kelsey both came down to visit me for the weekend so they are here at the party. Kelsey was feeding Challon while Sarah was talking with Victoria.

"Baby you gotta open one gift at a time" I said to charlotte while she was in my lap opening her gifts.

A couple hours later I was saying bye to the Tyler family who brought their daughter Avery over here who is in the same Daycare as Charlotte. They were the last people leaving as I just put the babies into bed. I sighed when I looked at the mess I had left to clean up from the party. I just opened up a bottle of wine when I heard the doorbell ring. I wasn't expecting anyone.

I gasped when I opened the door.

"Scott....what are you?" I couldn't even get a breath out. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and had a duffel bag with him. "You can't keeping just showing up here like this?!" I screamed.

"I know I'm here to stay this time....if you'll allow me" He gave me the puppy dog look and I couldn't help myself. I walked back to open the door for him to come in. I didn't say anything just walked back over to the kitchen and grabbed my glass of wine. I leaned against the counter to face him and we just stared at each other.

"Can I see him?" He asked me while breaking our staring contest.

I nodded and walked with him to Challon's room.

I stood at the doorway as I watched Scott look down at our son.

"He's beautiful and so big already" I hear him whisper.

"He's gonna be a heartbreaker thats for sure"

We spend a couple more minutes in his room till we both walk back to the kitchen.

"I don't understand Scott.....you come and go as you please, I still know nothing about you, the only thing I know is you work for the military. You knew I was pregnant and didn't come by here, but came to the hospital instead, how did you know I was pregnant again? Why do you keep leaving, where is your family? I just....I'm hurt and confused Scott, please just tell me what's going on." I broke down and pleaded with him.

He sighed and walked over to me sitting on the couch and pulled me on his lap.

"I never wanted to leave you guys, but with my job its complicated. I never meant to hurt you" He said in a soft tone while he intertwined our hands together and he kissed my knuckles.

I stayed quiet to let him continued.

"i work for the Navy and was on an undercover mission with the CIA"

I gasped.

All for Charlotte (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now