He's a Military guy?

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I have no excuse for not updating this story lol 

 outfit in picture (NOT LEANA)


Ugh, I hate waking up early like who even invented 9-5 jobs. I slowly take a deep breath and swing my legs over to get out of bed and start my day. At least its Friday.

I walk over to the bathroom wash my face and brush my teeth before I go wake Charlotte up. Charlotte wasn't a morning person either so this will be fun. I walk over to her room and slowly crack the door open. Her eyes are closed as she is still laying down sleeping in her crib.

I gently wiggle her cute chubby leg and coo at her "Wake up baby girl, good morning"

Her eyes slowly open and she starts to cry. "I know sweet girl I hate waking up too but Miss. Riley will be happy to see you" I say as if she can understand me. Riley is my babysitter during the week. 

I pick Charlotte up start to get her ready and bathe her a little bit, I pick out a cute black and white outfit to wear and then I hear Miss.Riley come in. She's a sweet girl 18 years old and helps me out a lot so I gave her a key to my town home.

"Hey Riley good morning, I'm going to go get ready for work." I say.

"ok no problem, good morning charlotte pumpkin" Riley says and coos at charlotte while looking at my fish toby.

I hop in the shower, do my daily routine and go pick out my outfit for today. I used to work front desk at a doctors office but as soon as I seen the job position available for where I work now I had to chance it and take the opportunity. I work at an event organization company so dress code is kind of business casual. I decide on a long lack pencil skirt, denim flannel shirt that I can knot in the front, and my Adidas shoes. Business and casual. I pull my curly brown hair up in a pony tail, grab my purse and give charlotte a kiss goodbye. I walk out the door to my red jeep patriot and drive to work.

"Good morning everyone I'd like to thank everyone for their participation and planning of the annual military ball with Fort Bragg here, the ball is tomorrow night so today some of the officers are here to set up and I hope you all are on best behavior, thank you" Greg our supervisor announces. 

We've all been prepping for this ball for weeks now so we're all excited and ready for it to be over with. 

"with all that ass one would think you'd be getting laid every night" I hear my best friend and ex roommate Victoria snicker. 

"will you shut up, who has time to get dicked down when I have a baby and full time job!" I snicker back

"how is my baby chi doing?" Victoria gave her that nick nameafter Kim Kardashians duaghter.

"She's good, been a little grumpy lately but I think she might be teething or something" I reply

We chit chat back to our separate desk and meet up for lunch later on.

It's almost 5 towards the end of the day when Gregg ask me to go over to the ball rooms manager office and drop forms off. 

I walk over to his door and gently knock. I hear a "come in" so I open the door and immediately regret it. 

There standing in all his glory is Scott. My Scott. My baby daddy Scott. 

What the HELL is he doing here? I think to myself as he turns his perfect head full of chestnut blonde hair around to me. We lock eyes and I can't help but feel stuck there. The look of shock on his face confirms that he definitely remembers me. 

"Here's the guest list you wanted sir" I quietly say and walk over to Chris desk. I lay the papers on his desk with my back facing Scott.

"Thank you" Chris says and I just nod my head and high tail it out of there.

I practically sprint back to my desk on the other side of the building, pack my purse up and ready to leave. I stop by Victoria's desk to fill her in.

"He looked exactly the same V I could have jumped his bones right there but I dont want him to see me so I gotta go!"

"OMG GIRL OK WE'LL TALK LATER BYE" She whispers and screams at me as I fly out to the parking lot and head home. On the way home tears start to form in my eyes just thinking about my little girl and how I don't know what I'll do if he finds out about her. 


Tonight's the night of the Military ball and to say Im nervous is an understatement. I didn't even know Scott was in the military! My mind is just all over the place I can't even think straight. 

I get in the shower and start to get ready. I exfoliate, shave and lather my body up with coconut cream just in case. You never know. I put my dress and my heels, I put on my garter to slip my cell phone in with my ID so I don't have to carry a purse. 

I hear a honk outside and look through my window at Victoria's silver toyota waiting for me outside.

"Charlotte baby I love you so much and be good for Riley" I say and kiss her around her face while she starts to giggle. 

"Bitch are you ready to see your baby daddy" Victoria says while I hop in the front seat. 

"I'm going to try and avoid him as much as possible, I can't risk that chance V" I say sadly.

"Girl you are looking so fine he needs to see you!" She replies and speeds down the high way.

"thanks girl but seriously the last time I seen her it was just a one time thing, I mean It felt like more but I know he didnt want anything to do with me especially since when Taylor called he had a gf!" I explain.

"Yeah but he still has a right to his child Leana" V says.

I didn't say anything else as we pull up to the ballroom. She's right but I was just scared he'll take my baby away from me or laugh in my face and wouldn't want anything to do with her. 

I take a deep breath and exit the car. 

"It'll be ok girl" V says as I look over at her worried. I put a smile on my face and grab her arm as we slowly walk up to the entrance. 

I guess we'll see. 

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