Nice Flowers

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"you look like you're ready to pop right here on the floor" Victoria says to me while we eat lunch at work.

"yeah I feel like I'm going to pop" I say and rub my 9 months pregnant belly.

Yup the asshole got me pregnant again, when I went to my Doctor to get on birth control they make you take a preventative pregnancy test before hand and sure enough mine was positive. I hadn't spoken to Scott since that night, no calls or text or anything. I cried the first few nights because I thought I would finally have a normal family but after the first 2 weeks of not hearing from him I gave up. 

I was furious, well technically I still am but I'm excited to meet my baby boy regardless.

"Today is your last day here before your maternity leave what the hell am I gonna do without someone to talk shit about with?" Victoria says.

"oh you'll just have to talk shit to me while helping me with Charlotte which you know I appreciate it a lot" 

"you know I'll help you out no matter what" She says and starts to rub my stomach.


"Mom I'm home!" I yell while making my way into the kitchen foyer.

"Mama!" I hear Charlotte scream as she stumbles over to me. She's slowly learning how to walk but still falls a lot.

"hi my baby" I hold her hand and walk us back to the kitchen table where my mom has dinner ready. She is staying with me  to help me out when the baby gets here. I know its going to be hard caring for a newborn and a toddler so I'm thankful my mom will be to help me for the first few months.

"Dinner's ready lets eat" Mom sets my plate down in front of me.

"The stir fry was delicious mom thank you" I say and start to work on the dishes when I feel a pain on my lower stomach. I winced and rub my stomach in circles. "causing mommy some pain already huh baby? Does this mean you're ready to come out?" Talking to my stomach as if he can hear me.

I went to take a shower while my mom is putting Charlotte to sleep, still been feeling the pains in my stomach here and there. My due date is in a couple more days so maybe its just anxiety or something. I step into the shower and start to scrub my body with sugar scented soap and wash my hair. I step out to put Scott T-shirt on that he left, don't judge me, and went to watch some Greys anatomy before heading to bed. 

I woke up later that night with an excruciating pain and feeling of water dripping down my leg.

"MOM!" I call out to my mom and soon hear her foot steps up stairs. 

"What's wrong?" I hear her panicking. "I think my water just broke" I give her a look and we soon start grabbing my hospital bag and we're racing to the hospital. 

9 hours later I pushed out my baby boy Challon.

I knew I wanted a name similar to Charlotte which she stayed out in the waiting area with my sister Taylor. 

Holding my little baby boy was so surreal. I could tell he was going to look just like Scott once again like Charlotte. His dark eyes were already opening up and starting to green.

I think my mom and Taylor knew I was in my feelings about the whole baby daddy situation and never asked me about it. But all I care about right now is making sure Challon was healthy.

I stayed over night as standard procedure but eventually was given the ok from My doctor to go home. Both Challon and I were exhausted so we took a short nap while my mom and sister went back to my house to pick up baby car seat and more things needed.

When I woke up Challon was still asleep in his crib next to me but above him on the counter were a bouquet of white and blue flowers. I figured someone from work or my family stopped by while I was sleeping to drop them off so when I get up to go look at the note I was shocked.

He's gorgeous just like you, I'm sorry I couldn't be here with you but I promise it's for good reason. I love you.

I knew it was him and took a deep breath to contain myself from crying before my mom and sister got back. Why would he just show up? He knew I was pregnant this whole time? I had so many questions I didn't hear Challon crying for a moment before my sister walked in the room holding Charlotte.

"Nice flowers who sent those?" She asked me.

"Just someone from work" I lied. "Charlotte baby are you ready to meet your little brother" I asked her while picking up Challon who was eager to feast on my breast.

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