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 "I cant afford to be sick right now Leanna, I swear if one more person coughs on me i'm going to lose it!" Amanda says as she pours hand sanitizer on for like the 10th time. 

"You and me both girl" I respond back to her. She's really the only person I like at this place. We work at a doctors office so theres non stop sick people walking in and out of here. The flu has been going around like crazy so cant be too careful.

"And you know im going on that trip to Florida soon so I CAN NOT be sick" I say again. 

"Oh shit I forgot about that when are you leaving again?" Amanda ask as she flips her strawberry blond hair over her shoulder to look at me. 

"This Thursday! I seriously cant wait." I'll be going to Florida for a music festival called Electronic Daisy Carnival Orlando. It'll be me and two of my festival friends that I meet up with maybe once or twice a year.

"Lucky, you better shake that fat ass of yours for me while you're down there"

"Hahaha you know I will girl" I smirk and we both laugh. 

Its the end of the day and we're closing up the Office. I say bye to the Doctor and Nurses and walk out to my Red Jeep Patriot and start the drive to my way home.

As soon as I get home I smell chicken. My Roommate is the best chef in the entire world. We got a nice size town home for cheap about 6 months ago. Both of us just tired of having to explain to our parents where we're going even though we're both grown ass adults.

"Damn im hungry" I say and grab a piece of chicken from the stove.

"you always hungry lol" Victoria says.

Victoria was a  very confident and pretty black girl, tall and had a different weave put in like every other week. The opposite of me where I'm only 5'5, mixed with tan brown skin and had naturally curly black hair. 

Once we eat dinner we go to our separate rooms to do our nightly routine. I shower, comb my hair out and hop into bed. I grab my iphone 8 plus and scroll through social media for a bit when I see I get a notification. It's from this app called Venus. It's like Tinder but for ravers. hey don't judge me. This guy named Scott messaged me.

Scott: hey! I see you're going to EDCO me too!

Me: Yup haha maybe I'll see you there?

Scott: Yea I hope so non of the girls i'm going with are as pretty as you

Me: Haha smooth, we would look pretty cute together

Scott: My thoughts exactly, shoot me a text tomorrow sexy 

Me: I'll think about it babe good night 

Scott: haha goodnight 

He definitely might be something worth checking out I think to myself as I set my timer for work tomorrow and go to sleep.


Ok this was kind of just like the introduction chapter to start the story off and meet the main characters. I promise it'll get better lol

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