Chapter 28

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Ry had managed to get trousers on, I however I only managed a bra and knickers.

“Why do you have no clothes on?” Izz asked.

“I have clothes on.” I answered awkwardly, grabbing the top Ryan threw me and pulling it on. I smiled a little realising it was one of his. The one he was wearing earlier is downstairs. Shit.

“But, Ryan has no clothes on too.” Izz pointed in.

“Well you shouldn’t just barge in.” I snapped.

“It’s okay Izz, next time you should knock though, okay?” Ryan smiled at her, she nodded.

“Mum wants you downstairs.” She told me before leaving.

“Such a kiss ass.” I muttered.

“I heard that.” Ry chuckled.

“Good.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the stairs, Mum was stood at the bottom with Ryan’s t-shirt in her hand. I hadn’t realised he hadn’t put one on.

“Well, this is awkward.” He laughed nervously.

“Just be lucky your father isn’t here Amy. He would not be happy.” She shook her head handing the t-shirt over to Ryan, who pulled it on immediately.

“Why? I’m sick of feeling like a child. I’m not anymore. I have grown up.” I shouted, I am a little fed up of this. All this you are a disappointment shit. “If you really feel so strongly we can go. Because there are other places we can be. I want to be myself around you, I’m not changing who I am so that you can pretend I’m still a child.”

“Amy. We are not having this conversation.” She insisted, turning to make dinner.

“Fine then. I’ll pack my stuff. Dan can we crash with you?”

“Sure you can.” He shrugged, not sure as to why I guess.

“Thanks. We can leave in a few.” With that I went to pack our stuff and carried it all down whilst Ry spoke in hushed tones to my Mum. “Alright we are going then.” I shouted, Izz and Andrew said bye.

“What about your Dad?” Mum asked.

“Well. We are coming back tomorrow. Probably late. I need to grab a few more things anyway.” I decided.

“Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Do I have another choice? Because I’m fed up of pretending to be something I’m not.” I snapped. “Dan. Get your ass to the car.” The boys scurried out of the house. “I’ll see you tomorrow or something.” Ry stopped me outside.

“Babe, you need to think.” He started.

Something I Need - A Ryan Tedder/OneRepublic FanFic (Elephants Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now