Chapter 7

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“That was an awesome video Amy. Didn’t know you could sing like that.” Brent complimented as we walked in, I glared at him and fell to the sofa. The stupid plane was late landing, so Ryan dragged me to the show instead of letting me go to the hotel.

“Don’t talk about the stupid video.” Ryan grumbled walking over to the fridge.

“What’s up dude?” Drew asked, barely looking up.

“Ask Amy. I fucked up, made one mistake. I just didn’t think it through. I’ve said sorry.” He grabbed a bottle of beer and stormed out of the room. All eyes are on me now.

“I didn’t even know he had videoed it, never mind posting it! I hate singing, I can’t sing and I had told Ryan before how uncomfortable I was and then he posts it. He was an idiot. And my head hurts.” I put my arm over my eyes, hoping they’d go away so I could sleep again.

“Don’t you think you’ve over reacted?” Eddie suggested quietly.

“I know I have.” I sighed, they won’t leave me to sleep – that much is obvious. “I’m gunna go and find him.” I wandered around, finding him sat near the stage door. “I’m sorry babe, I overreacted.” I pulled him into a hug.

“I should have talked to you about it. I wanted to see what people thought, if they loved you as much as I did.” He explained.

“I get it, I’m really sorry. You have always forgiven me, and here I am throwing this back in your face. It was completely unfair.” He kissed me softly.

“Forget it. Have you read the comments?” He asked.

“A few.” They had all been really nice, one or two were slightly critical. But overall they were great.

“I can tell you that they are great. The reception you’ve had is nothing short of awesome, I mean this is great.” He beamed.

“Babe, one nice video isn’t the start of a career.” I rolled my eyes at his excitement, but it was pretty sweet.

“But, it could be. I have a studio, I can help you with the stuff and the boys then can too.”

“Ry, hunny, it’s sweet that you want this for me. But I’m not sure if it’s what I want. I don’t think I’m that person.” I tried to explain, not wanting him to get too upset.

“Oh. Sure, I get that, but you’ll think about it?”

“Sure, I’ll think about it.” I agreed.

“Well, I have sound check. Feel free to stay in the green room tonight, I can tell your still suffering a little.”

“A little? My head is pounding.”

“My visions blurred, your mouth is moving I don’t hear a word!” Ryan began to sing, Eddie appearing out of nowhere like he usually does. The three of us murdering the beautiful song.

“I thought I heard some cats dying, I was wrong.” Dan chuckled.

“I definitely heard the dying screams of our song.” Mark teased. Glen just smiled at us all.

“At least they knew the words.” He shrugged, he always (or almost always) looks at that silver lining.

“You are a silver lining kinda guy Glen.” I smiled.

“That I am, no point staring at the grey waiting for it to change.” He is being extremely optimistic and fairly deep and motivational.

“That was almost moving.” Dan teased.

“Just cause he thought of it first.” I laughed, making Dan glare before joining me laughing. Eddie and Ryan walked off and left me and The Script laughing. We weren’t even laughing at anything anymore, we were just laughing.

“Managed to get him here on time then?” Dan asked when we made it to the green room.

“Yeah, that’s why we are here.”

“Had a little drink?” Glen questioned, smirking a little.

“Zip it. I had a lotta drink. And yes, I am also having major regrets.”

“Wine is an acquired taste, you jumped right into the deep end.” Mark informed me.

“Thanks, little too late now.” I complained.

“You never asked!” Mark justified.

“I didn’t think it was a question, who goes up to people and asks how much wine they should drink? Who has an answer! Alki’s.” That made him laugh.

“You got me there, we’re Irish. It’s in our blood. It isn’t blood this heart is beating, it’s alcohol. Sweet and steady, our life blood.” He said it so seriously, even Dan and Glen were in tears. It isn’t even that hard to believe. I feel harsh, they really aren’t that bad, not really. Just, when compared to a lot of the guys here they are. It’s difficult to explain really.

“I love you guys.” I laughed, but I meant it.

“And we love you.” Glen assured me, pulling me into a hug.

“Now, if you don’t mind I want to sleep off this hangover so I don’t quite feel like the walking dead.” I smiled, lying back on the couch.

“Keep an eye on lover boy, he really wants this career for you.” Dan whispered before heading out. He does have a point, Ryan wants is for me. Maybe I do want it, but there is a lot of work needed and I’d have to perform. I don’t sing in front of family, strangers seem like a bit of a push. Plus, Ryan is barely getting his work done now, he still has songs that should have been finished months ago that lay abandoned on his laptop. And now he is trying to offer help and guidance to me, someone who would need constant support. A bit like a child learning to ride a bike or to walk or talk. I am helpless when it comes to music, I’d have no idea what to do. He seems to think a little chat, a bit of advice and a recording studio will make me some sort of star. All because of this video he posted. The internet is not always a wonderful place, maybe I’ll indulge him. It’s the least I can do, after all he has forgiven and forgotten for me, I should do this to make him happy. You never know, a by-product might be my own happiness. If I’m lucky he’ll forget all about this and I can move on. But, I seriously doubt it.

A/N - I hope everyone has had a great Christmas, I decided to post anyway :) So, Elephants has had over 10K reads :O Thanks everyone, hope you are enjoying this one... I swear it will get better ;)

Something I Need - A Ryan Tedder/OneRepublic FanFic (Elephants Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now