Chapter 27

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“Eddie, can you sit with Ry for a bit. I just need to talk to these two for a minute.” He shrugged and did it anyway.

“What did you want?” Zach asked.

“Has Ryan ever been, depressed?” The word felt foreign on my tongue, the thought alone making me want to cry.

“Why?” Dan asked.

“I think he might be. I don’t know. He just. Wrote some things. And he just seems different. Something isn’t right. He is pushing me away. I don’t understand.”

“He’s been through some tough things, but I don’t think he ever did anything. You know. He was just feeling low.” Zach admitted.

“Can we all keep an eye on him? Not leave him alone. I think he just needs that support right now.” I suggested, more like begged.

“Of course love, he’ll get through this. You both will.” Dan assured me, pulling me into a hug.

“I know. I just worry about him, I’ve never really seen him like this. Maybe the few days after the accident, but he went back to his usual self pretty quickly.” I sighed.

“Let’s just hope he does the same again.”

“I’m going to go sit with him.” I decided.

“We can let the others know.” Zach told me. “Just, don’t stress yourself out.” I nodded and headed upstairs.

“Thanks Eddo.” I smiled.

“No problem dearie.” He gave me a quick hug before bounding out of the room. I stood there for a second just watching Ry, in a non-creepy way. He looked troubled even in sleep. Is it the accident? Is it bothering him again? Is it this thing with Zac? I wish I knew. I wish I could help him. I sat beside him, brushing some hair from his face, I pulled his t-shirt off carefully, trying not to wake him. The jeans were a little difficult but I managed it. He was muttering to himself, and it sure wasn’t happy. I missed hearing him humming away and it’s only been one day of this. I hope it doesn’t last long. I got him under the covers, placing the notepad on the bedside table. I lay beside him, the sheets between us as I placed my head on his chest.

I must have fallen asleep, when I woke up Ry wasn’t there. With a sigh I headed downstairs.

“Hi baby, I didn’t want to wake you.” Ry smiled when he saw me. I didn’t say anything, just pulling him in for kiss.

“How are you feeling?” I asked.

“Better. I mean it.” He told me honestly, at least I hope he was being honest. He pulled me onto his lap, letting me lie back against his chest. “Did you undress me?” He whispered in my ear, making me smile.

Something I Need - A Ryan Tedder/OneRepublic FanFic (Elephants Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now