Chapter 2

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“Dan, come on we need to find something cool.” I moaned, grabbing his arm and pulling him into another shop.

“What’s wrong with all this stuff?” He asked, eyes wide. Him and Glen both had bags of shopping, most of it for Ryan.

“Well, you know, it’s nice stuff. But it isn’t AMAZING!” I tried to explain, the only person who understood was Mark.

“Let’s fine something grand then.” He announced, like a quest, I let out a giggle and me and Mark led the way.

“You’re only saying that because you have no bags to carry.” Danny grumbled.

“He has no bags to carry because he isn’t being a grumpy spoilsport.” I pointed out. I swear, I could hear Danny’s eyes roll.

“And, I do have a bag thank you very much.” Mark held up the small bag we had bought from Boots. I had bought Ryan some aftershave because after asking several people what to buy that was something that kept popping up. I let the boys help me out, although they weren’t all that useful.

“This will be the last thing. I can just tell.” I smiled, I felt hopeful about this one. We always seem to choose pretty good presents, the locket around my neck is something I treasure. It means so much to me. Ryan rarely takes off the cross necklace or that leather wristband. Thing is, I can’t really buy more accessories. Although, I thought a wallet might be required, but it isn’t really creative. Thing is, Ryan’s amazing skills at presents and surprises puts a lot of pressure on me to think of something good.

“It better be, I don’t know how much more I can take.” Glen sighed.

“I hope you aren’t being negative back there Glen.” I called out, he instantly forced a smile and shook his head. None of us believed him and started to laugh. I’m glad we can all still get on. Me and Dan had a serious conversation about what went on. We don’t like each other like that, Dan is looking for a girl and I offered assistance with that search. Not that I know anyone. That’s how we got over it, ignoring the real problem really, sure a little talk here and there, but moving on is the way forward for everyone.

“Do you even have any ideas for a present?” Dan asked.

“Nope.” I smiled, I saw the pain in Dan’s eyes.

“Wait a sec! I’ve got it.” He beamed, pushing past me and leading the group. We had no choice but to follow, he has my money and my bags.

“Wow, an original idea. He must be desperate to finish.” Mark teased, making me laugh.

“Tell me about it.” I joked. “Did we pick up Sons of Anarchy? I thought that could be like an extra present, just in case someone hasn’t got him something.” I suddenly remembered.

“Sounds like a plan. I think it’s in one of Dan’s bags, speaking of Dan he said he would sort the present… So god only knows if he got one.”

“Probably a pint of Guinness.” I smiled.

“Oh god, I could so go a pint right now.” Glen groaned.

“Why don’t we stop by a pub on the way to the venue, Ry gave me some money for food. I’m sure you guys could get a pint, I’ll have lunch.” I suggested.

“You’re on!” And suddenly Glen had a spring in his step and a smile on his face.

“Are we all like that?” Mark asked, my silence was answer enough. “Shit, we are all alkies.” This man sure is making me laugh today. Then I crashed into the back of Danny.

“We are here.” He said happily, I looked up and knew this was the place. Ryan would at least pretend to love this.

“Dan, I think you may be a genius.” I laughed.

“Don’t let the egotistical prick hear you say that.” Mark teased. Dan, like the child he is, had ran into the store already, picking things up and messing with them. All our bags had been abandoned by the tills. I rolled my eyes but followed him in, sharing a similar look of awe. Ryan has probably been in here already, but this place seriously rocks. I could spend all day in here, especially if Ryan was here too. If I get really stuck for ideas for what to do tomorrow this is a backup plan.

“I might be in heaven.” Mark muttered as he walked past me. Yeah, I think we all feel the same way about this place. WOW.

“Can I help you?” A young guy asked, appearing behind me. He reminded me of Matt (from American Authors).

“I think so, I’m looking for a present from my boyfriend actually.” I began.

“How about this?” Dan asked, shoving things in my face.

“Back off Dan.” I laughed, pushing him away. “Let the nice man help me, you can buy yourself whatever you want.” I told him, as if I was talking to a child.

“I’m not a kid.” He huffed, rolling his eyes and walking off. Yeah, not a kid my ass. He is one of the most childish people I know.

“Was that Danny from The Script?” The man asked.

“Yeah.” I shrugged, I was getting painfully used to this. When it first starts you don’t think you’ll ever get used to it, but you do. It takes a while sometimes, but when it becomes a daily occurrence you have to get used to it really.

“So, that must be Mark Sheehan!” He exclaimed pointing at Mark, whose head whipped up at the sound of his voice. I shrugged for a completely different reason, Mark also seemed fairly shocked.

“Hey man.” Mark shook his hand and tried to not seem too awkward. Honestly, he isn’t used to be recognised unless you are obsessed teenage girls. (I should know, I was one of them!)

“Massive fan, you work that guitar like no one else.” He complimented, I mean, I think it was a compliment. Mark’s eyes lit up and there was a lot of music speak, as much as Ryan has tried, I don’t speak that language. I left those two talking and wandered slowly around the maze of a shop, hoping that something would just jump out at me. Then maybe I wouldn’t need the Matt-look-a-like’s help. I should have asked his name, or looked on his name badge. That would have been at least a little useful. Here we go, better start this search, judging by the level of laughter from Mark those two might be a while.

A/N - Here we go guys :) Chapter 2 XD Please vote and comment, I'd love to hear what you think (and possibly suggestions to help me bulk this one up a little :D) Thanks for reading XD

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