Chapter 13

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“Why would you do it?” My Dad asked.

“Why does anyone do it? It is a step in a relationship, okay. It happens.” I brushed away a tear. “I can’t believe he left. I can’t believe you are making this into a massive deal.”

“We knew it would happen.” Mum reminded him quietly. I pulled out my phone.

“Hey Dan, do you mind picking something up for Ry?”

“Sure hun, what are you thinking?”

“I don’t know, urm, how about a scrap book thing. He mentioned getting one to put our photos from New York in.”

“I can do that, what’s wrong though?” He asked.

“You know, the usual. Keep an eye out for Ryan when you come over. I don’t know if he’ll be back.”

“One of those days?”

“In a good way, the parents know about the sex and apparently it’s Ryan’s fault.”

“We both know that’s not true.” He chuckled.

“That we do Danny. Hurry on back. I think I need some Irish love.” I laughed.

“Guinness, cuddles and Ryan is on the menu then.” He joked, although knowing him he really would bring Guinness.

“You are too awesome. Bye.” Then he hung up, my parents stared at me in disbelief. “I’m not just going to sit here and get shouted at, I need to make it up to Ry somehow and as usual Dan is my only hope.”

“Amy, you understand we are upset because we care about you.” My Dad said slowly.

“If you say so, I just think you are taking it to a more extreme level. Ryan is perfect. Beyond perfect. You accused him of taking advantage, how do you think that makes us feel? I am not a baby anymore. And he would never ever do that.”

“It’s hard seeing you grow up so fast.”

“Life is hard.” I countered. “I have to grow up at some point, I found the best man who takes care of me and loves me with all his heart, when do you want me to grow up? I am supposed to let him go because I can’t grow up? I don’t think so. I did what felt right.” This argument is getting very old very fast. “Since the mood has been officially killed, I am going to go and find Ryan. We will collect Izzy.” I slammed the door behind me. I can’t believe they made such a massive deal about it, got so upset and angry.

It took me a few hours to find Ryan. He was at the park, sat on a swing with his head in his hands.

“Babe?” He looked up with sad eyes. I ran to him, pulling him into a hug. “Don’t be upset, I love you. Always and forever.”

Something I Need - A Ryan Tedder/OneRepublic FanFic (Elephants Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now