Becoming Attached

Start from the beginning

"Yes ma'am."

"Mr. Snape is about 20 years older then you, how do you plan to explain that to him? How do you plan to explain why you are leaving and It'll be 20 years before you see him again?"

Now I felt like a dementor was in the room. She was right. I couldn't allow myself to get attached to anyone in this time. I couldn't allow these feelings to progress. I knew that when I came and yet, not even two weeks and I was already getting close. I already found myself enjoying Lily and Severus and I already enjoyed pranking the Marauders and planned to help them with a few pranks. I was being a child. Realization downed on me and now I was at a loss on what to do.

I could end it now and go back to my time and never finish this potion to save Chris, or I could stay and give all my friends the cold shoulder and lose Severus forever. I didn't like either choice but I knew I had to make one. This is why emotions were bad. Now I knew. I felt something wet slide down my face and looked a bit confused. Tears? I didn't know I was capable of crying anymore. Professor McGonagall watched me and after a moment wrapped me in a hug and I let the tears come out.

After about ten minutes I was able to stop myself from crying. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

I walked out of the classroom without another word. I walked until I was on the Quidditch field and then started running. Running, exercising, and dueling my duel dummy was how Severus and Lily found me that night. I took one look at them and had to jog again. Severus started jogging and caught up to me. We jogged in silence for about an hour when Severus had to stop. I stopped with him and we slowly made our way to Lily who was watching us.

"You ok Amy? We haven't seen you all day." Lily asked, her eyes full of concern.

"I've been here all day. I need to get that potion done." I said walking back inside and going directly to Gryffindor Tower to shower without another word.

The next few days were not the best days of my life. I didn't talk with Severus or Lily unless it was about the potion. I didn't prank with the Marauders. I went to class, did my homework, worked on my potion and trained all night. On the fourth day of this, the Marauders, Lily and Severus met me on the Quidditch field when I snuck out.

" What's going on with you Amy? You're acting like you did the first few days of being here." James asked for once looking completely serious.

"I came here for two reasons, to observe and to make a potion. That's what I'm doing." I said, keeping my face blank of any emotions. Though inside all I could see was Severus hurt expression.

"Observe what?" Severus asked as Sirius said, "What's wrong with making friends."

"It's not something I can explain."

"Amy we are your friends, if something is bothering you come to us. We are here for you." Lily said and she walked away looking sad. The Marauders muttered their agreement to that. Severus on the other hand didn't leave.

"Amy, can I train with you still?"

Severus looked so hopeful. It was once again something I could not turn away. I reached in my bag and pulled out a Dark Arts book and motioned for him to follow me. We walked to the Forbidden Forest and I found a spot under a tree and sat down. I copied the book I was reading and handed him the copy without a word. I saw his eyes light up. He sat down next to me and started reading. After about an hour Shy came up to me whining.

"Shy wants to play. You can continue reading while we run around. Once she settles down we will practice the spells." I said and transformed into a wolf. Severus watched me completely amazed. He reached out his hand and I let him pet me before running after Shy for a game of tag.

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