"No I'm serious, you can do it. Don't stop having fun because I'm stuck in the past," Mercedes said wanting it to sound good, though it sounded bitter to corbyn.

"I won't- it's not that important," Corbyn scratched his neck, slightly embarrassed.

"I didn't mean it like that," Mercedes turned to him again. "I mean go ahead, have fun."

Corbyn scrunched his eyebrow still not understanding whether he should listen to her tone or her words. "Corbyn," Mercedes put her hand on his thigh with a slight laugh. "Go for it." Corbyn smiled at her little laugh. "What is it for? Or is it just random?"

"For Ashley's nineteenth birthday," Corbyn told her as he picking her hand up and intertwined their fingers. "This might be another insensitive question-"

"It's not going to be insensitive unless you keep saying that, stop babying me," Mercedes said making him smile. "I'm not going to cry over everything."

"Do you want to be mine?"

"That was very insensitive of you Corbyn Besson," Mercedes jokes pulling her hand away from him.

"Do you?" Corbyn asked.

"Why me?" Mercedes asked. "You can get anyone- you can get Madison freakin Beer if you wanted to. She's perfect."

"But she's not worth it." He grabbed her hand again. "Nor is she perfect- I personally don't understand the hype about her. She gets mad when people compliment her and when she's the beauty standard. Shes weird and can't sing. She tries to hard. Did I mention she can't sing? She's not perfect at all."

"First of all fuck you. Madison Beer is perfect. And if you think Madison Beer isn't perfect then I'm far from it-"

"Listen Mercedes. I will give you the world baby, you just have to be worth it. But you don't have to be perfect- like Madison beer," Corbyn said to her making her laugh with a slight blush, looking away from him.

"I don't want to date right now-"

"But we do everything a normal couple do. We go on dates-"

"We have lunch together, we never officially called it a date."

"We sleep together, we kiss-"

"Let's keep doing that-"

"You know this is the second time you rejected me Mercedes," Corbyn said with a slight laugh. "I've never been rejected before."

"Well sucks to suck," Mercedes shrugged.

"And I will keep trying until I make you mine." Corbyn vowed.

"I'll give it one more month until you give up," Mercedes said making him scoff.

"I'd be lying if I said I don't think you're the one," Corbyn told her.

"Highly doubt that," Mercedes said looking at him with a big smile.

"You're smile says otherwise," he squeezed her hand.

"Another insensitive question and this one might actually be insensitive," Corbyn glanced at her before turning into the road that led to his neighborhood.

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