Hawks x Depressed Reader 🖤

Start from the beginning

"Oh thank god you answered"


"Can we talk. Please. I know what I did was outta line and I understand if you're still angry with me but I can't stand this, you not talking to me, not waking up next to you every morning, heck, I even miss your terrible cooking"

His voice sounded shaky as he pleaded with you and hearing it after all this time made it near impossible to keep your composure.

"C-could I c-call you back later?"

"(Y/N), Babybird are you crying?" He asked concernedly

"N-no, I-"

"Tell me what's wrong? Are you okay?"

"..no.." you croaked, grip tightening on your phone "I can't do this anymore kei, every time I close my eyes I see him. I see his face, I smell his sweat, I can feel his hot breath right up against my skin I-"

"Hey, just breathe okay baby, breathe."

"I-I can't. I-"

"It's okay Babybird, it's alright he's not there your dads-"

"It's n-not him kei" your voice cracked as you cried


"I-" you couldn't speak over your erratic breathing.

"Calm down (Y/N), I'm in the area so please try to hold on till I get there"

"B-but I-" you placed your hand down on your chest as your breathing quickened.

"Don't talk. Just try to relax your breathing"


"I'm outside the apartment. I'm coming in"






You watched his face drop as he entered your living room, not failing to notice the gun laid out on the table.

"C'm'ere Babybird" he cooed, striding over to you and sitting beside you.

"Deep breaths okay? Slow deep breaths"

You tried to follow his guidance but your attempt resulted in a sort of coughing fit that intermingled with your erratic breaths.

"Wait here a sec" he spoke with a worried expression on his face as he stood and exited the room.

He soon returned with a paper bag from your kitchen and held it over your mouth.

"Okay, I want you to breathe into this for me, can you do that??"

You nodded as he lifted the bag to your face and watched as it filled and emptied with air.

Just another book of bnha one shots..I think?Where stories live. Discover now