Ring Ring [Female!Reader]

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Crushes were something you avoided at all costs. Throughout your years of school, you did your best to avoid feeling for anyone. Though, that didn't mean it didn't happen. You'd had a few here and there, but none ever ended up happily. None ended the way you wanted and though it sounded selfish, it was true. Either the person never knew or he made it horribly clear the feelings weren't mutual. So, you kept to yourself as much as you could but..

He still wormed his way deep into your heart.

He made you feel like no one else ever had. He gave you swarms of butterflies and feelings of flying. Sweeter than pure sugar and the kindest soul you'd ever had the pleasure of knowing. He was pure sunshine- warm rays that made you feel sappy and wonderful. The feelings he gave you were so addicting that it was as if you went through withdrawal if you went without him for too long. At first, you believed it was just infatuation. Just fleeting feelings- but then you got to know him. You saw how caring he was, how selfless he could be and how much he adored the friends around him. How much he loved his Aunt with his entire being. How he loved his Uncle just as much- even through death.

You knew his love for them was so large and powerful, he fought on the daily to keep her safe, to keep his memory fresh in his mind, and to prevent anyone else from going through such a loss. He fought for them and for innocents- for small broken families and large happy ones. He fought for everyone but himself- he was selfless. Maybe a bit too much, but you still adored him for it. Learning all these things only made your feelings for him grow. So much so that even seeing his curls bouncing your way made your heart race. Throughout all of High School, he kept those curls, and even now, two years into College, he still had them. It was as if they were his signature.

"Hey!", he breathed as he finally reached you, "Ready to study?"

"If by study, you mean attempt to study but end up watching marathons of movies, then yes."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "We don't always do that."

"Oh but we do.", you grinned, grabbing his arm and tugging him along.

Over the years, the two of you grew close. You went from simple nods and 'hello's in crowded High School hallways, to dragging him to your dorm in College without a second thought. Hang outs became the norm. You got close with Ned and MJ and even knew his Aunt well. She loved you to pieces.

He was such a big part of your life now, it hurt to think of him not being in it, which scared you. These feelings of yours were ever growing and if they weren't mutual, you were fucked. Yet- how couldn't they be? You didn't want to wrongly get your hopes up but.. what friend smiles at you like that? What friend looks at you the way he does and even sometimes goes red around you? He did certain things no friend would really do. So you allowed yourself to fall deeper. Allowed yourself to indulge and believe that if you waited long enough, he would confess. He would come clean and tell you he's liked you all these years. Everyone around you was so sure he would. May gushed and gushed about you both being a couple when he was out of earshot. MJ made comments here and there- even Ned said some things, and so your hope grew.

"So what movies tonight?", he asks.

"How about a Disney Marathon?"

He puffs out a cheek, "Didn't we do that last week?"

"No. We did Star Wars, and you said if I didn't fall asleep, we could do Disney this week! I didn't fall asleep, so you have to hold up your end of the deal."

Peter bit back a smile, "Well.. technically Star Wars is a part of-"

"Pete don't you dare.", you cut him off, giving him a warning.

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