Chapter XVII: Unworthiness.

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Abaddon interrupts bowing again, "But Your Majesty, I was taking my duties as her servant now very seriousy I-"

Pluto looked furiously down at bowing demon with his bleached hair, his voice dropping to a bone-chilling degree. "Did I stutter?"
Abaddon smirked slightly to himself but then that faded in an instant as he rose his head, "No, Your Majesty. " He backed away slowly from the dark god that towered over his frame. Astoria stared intensely at Pluto, he felt this but he ignored her completely. She soon felt his grip tighten into the flesh of her buttocks.

Growls began to bubble steadily in his throat, the ferocity of each becoming more vile and eviler than the other. Abaddon froze in place unable to move as if he was stuck in a trance, he was the lone stray wolf that had look at the alpha's mate for too long and it was seen by the alpha as a threat and a sign of disrespect.

Abaddon bent a knee and fell to the floor, "I mean no harm, I have simply swore my life on the Queen with all due respect, Your Majesty. My life is now hers to command if she wishes for me to die, I shall but not without her say so."

With a snarl, Pluto's eyes went wild, Astoria noticed the change and punched his neck, stunning him then took the opportunity to jump down in front of the bowing demon with arms stretched out. "YOU WILL NOT HURT HIM." She shouted at her dark god, "He is MINE TO COMMAND and I see it fit for him to live, you will not take his life that no longer belongs to you." Astoria felt unsure of herself, a pit of doubt had settled in her stomach of if she was doing the right thing.

Rising to his feet, Abaddon uttered softly with great gratitude, "Thank you, My Queen."

"Leave us." Astoria spoke, her guard with up and her attention was solely focused on Pluto, whom had calmed down significantly but she still felt the traces of a predator stalking its prey, her instincts told her to be wary and cautious.

Abaddon had began creep out when the God of the Underworld finally made his move by dashing pass her but having kept her guard up paid off as her dark matter escaped her finger tips with rope Pluto's feet. This only lasted for a second but it was enough for the grey eyed demon to escape barely with his life and all of his bodily parts.

When the door had closed, Pluto's attention had snapped back to Astoria and in a cold voice he asked, "Why did you allow him to escape?"

Astoria walked forward to Pluto and touched his cheek with the slightest of touch, "I'm not entirely sure.. maybe in the entire kingdom that I know nothing of at all.. he is one of the few I kinda trust to protect me."

"I can protect you," Pluto growled.

Astoria's smile was weary and uncertain, "I know you can."

Astoria just noticed that he was still naked and turned her head away, "Okay, go put on some clothes, god." Pluto grabbed a hand and swung her around to place her hand on his groin, "He disrespected me, who is HE to question ME?" Pluto's eyes narrowed as he guided his hand in a pumping motion over his growing flesh. Astoria stuttered a sentence of meaningless words together.

Pluto hummed, "Mhm? Is he your lover? Your mate? Your king? Your god? What power does he hold?" Pluto moved her hand faster cause his cock to jump slightly. Astoria merely shook her head her as a reply.

"Answer me with words." Pluto snarled with his teeth slightly shown.

Her voice was caught in her throat, her scalp had suddenly felt itchy and her back was sweating now, "He is none of this things." Astoria cleared her throat quickly. Pluto stopped, a devilish grin covered his face, "Ahh... I see." He allowed her arm to fall to her side and instead closed the already close distance between them, Pluto's groin stood out proudly and poked her stomach.

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