Chapter XXI: Balance.

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Cora traced the tree tattoo on the inner Astoria's right forearm, "To be chosen by Ops, my.. what a lucky beast you are," Astoria looked confused but before she asked her question, Cora pushed her out.

The feeling of falling engulfed Astoria until she woke up with a startled back on the grass plane. It seems her body collapsed backwards unto the field as she had to prop herself up. Scotus watched her, "My, what have you done?" Astoria looked at her skin, the tree insignia was now glowing a very dull green colour but what she noticed mostly was every where that Cora had touched her now bore ashy, dark hand prints but now she wore not a crown of flowers but of vines, dry and rough to the touch nor was she clothed in lily whites unstained and pure but in the the stained of greys of uncertain madness. Not dark enough to be considered black nor bleached to be pure white but.


"I see better balance within you, it appears you succeeded?" Scotus continued when he received no reply, "Do you know who you are?" Scotus had leaned forward his snout coming close to her face to breathe firey heat to her nose. Scotus noticed the green glow from her skin and frowned slightly as if in deep thought about the meaning behind it, Astoria took this time to get up and dust herself off. Dark matter swept to her side and flowers grew from the patch of dirt that had been disturbed but withered with a touch from her fingertips. "I am a half bred."

Scotus snapped back to reality at the sound of her voice echoing in his ears, he took note of how the fresh flowers grown from her energy withered. "You lack balance perhaps you may now know some truth but with truth comes responsibility and reason, ignorance is bliss and with the ability to both birth and take away sacred life. You must learn balance. "

He raised a curved claw and pointed it into her chest tapping it with little strength behind it, "You must learn to be an immovable wall, strong in your ways as when you begin to grow more because as soon as you let your balance be shaken," Scotus moved back as he sensed his mate step forward, "You will destroy us all, our job is to make sure. None of that happens, not all battles happen from the physical world but also our inner worlds, every day is a choice to not give up, end it all and be done with life."

Scotus lifted himself a bit off of the ground and nudged back into his cave, "I have had visions of the end to come always but how exactly it starts..." Astoria walked and followrd him in step behind his, a beautifully sicking trial of birth and death lying in her wake and saw that his dragon company still laid asleep.

It may have been slight but Astoria did not miss the fire and passion thaf burned in his eyes when he saw her then scuffled to the left, the noise of which caused She-Dragon stirred quietly but then settled back into her light snoring pattern. Astoria took note of the fact that her stomach had looked more rounder since last she saw her.

'She's pregnant, I can hear five heartbeats in this room.' Quite frankly the voicehad frighten Astoria enough to cause her to flinch.

She wasn't used to a voice in her head that sounded so much like her own thoughts but weren't.

A: Five, are you sure?

C: Well, duh. If you'd just concrete you'd hear them too, our own irregular heart beat, Big Scotus' own and he probably suspects but since his form has been forced into that form.. he's lost most of his senses heights.. and hers is a lot faster than his now.

Astoria cleared her throat and looked up to her male teacher, "What is your wife's name? We never really did get to talk," Scotus looked down at her as she spoke and looked back at his wife, "Nox.. my beautiful wife.. her bame is Nox, titan of darkness and my sister. "

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