Chapter XVIII: Hunted.

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Astoria moved out of the bathroom and into the bedroom to change into a large teeshirt, having to go without an underwear on as she had washed the old one as well as the new ones in the shower before she used them. Safety reason; yeast infections suck.

As she dried her hair, she muttered to herself, "Holy fuck, I really just ran away from Pluto. The Dark God but this isn't permanent, I just need some space he'll understand.... right?"

She picked up her phone and stared at it, the motel had WiFi connection but honestly it was so slow and she knew she shouldn't be using her phone since he would probably be doing everything to track her down and bring her back to him. In all honesty, she felt like a bird trapped there with an already predestined fate that she could not escape and her wings were being slowly plucked out.

She left her hair somewhat damp then placed it into a bun on top of her head. Her t-shirt hid all of her curves which made her feel safe, she didn't particularly trust the motel's bed sheet but they appeared clean enough and upon further inspection were gladly insect-free.

As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell into a dream state, sleep took over her body and dreams had already overtaken her mind.


Astoria opened her eyes and found herself in front of an old abandoned castle. The walls were broken, it had no feel of life to it and if felt as if something that belonged to her awaited her presence even if the halls were filled with death itself, Astoria felt the tug to find out what it was that called her name and whispered to her curiosity.

The sky was dark and dreary, there was a gloomy feel to the atmosphere. She got up from the cold, marble floor and realised that she was no longer wearing her night outfit but instead wore a gown, a purple almost lilac colour, her feet bore no shoes so the chill of the floor ran shivers through her spine as walked.

An echo ran through the castle as she opened the old, wooden broken entrance door. The smell alone should have shunned Astoria away, mole and death, it should have warned her of what is to come but her mind was swarmed with thoughts of why was she brought here. To a place she had never been in her life, why would her dreams bring her here? She took an unknowing step forward into the castle of gross and despicable things.

Her name broked the deafening silence, it was uttered softly like a whisper but held the force of a thousand suns behind it. She recognised it, it was his.

Her lover's. The man she had suddenly ran away from, she panicked. Her heart thumped and bumped against her chest if it could have jumped out and ran away, it would, her eyes scanned the area trying to see where he was. She knew he was here, somewhere.

Her feet moved slowly and carefully, her gown raked across the dusty, awful coloured floor.

"Quare vos run a me, paulo unum?" (Why have you run from me, little one?) The lights suddenly turned on and Astoria got a clearer few of what happened in the castle. Many creatures; some resembling animals of some sort others having huge tusks sticking out of their mouths. They all laid dead on the floor, throats were slit and body parts scattered all over. Bodies were mangled and heads lied without the rest of them close by. It seemed as if they were having a celebration, there was still food on the tables and goblets that still had wine to be drank. And then her eyes finally saw him.

In all his glory with nothing on but a black robe not even fully covering his chest muscles and his long, broad sword next to him. He was covered in the blood of his victims. He sat on the throne, his leg to one side hinting his manhood and muscular thighs. He lazily held one of the goblets in his hands.

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