Minutes had passed, but none of them had picked the topic for which they'd specially come here. It was normal for both of them to sit her for hours and gazing continuously at the beautiful sight without any words being exchanged.

"I think I deserve to know now." Natasha said after moments of silence.

"Yes you do." Kiaan sighed.

"So, where do I start from?" Kiaan continued gazing at the sky.

"I'll be okay with only knowing the reason why you did this." Natasha butted in.

"See Nat, from the very beginning of our adulthood we'd decided that we won't get married to anyone because we know we won't be able to trust them and be comfortable enough. But we also know that we have to get married at a point. My mother was busy searching for a bride for me no matter how much I denied and as you told me, even your mother chose a guy for you already. When we know we won't be able to accept anyone random as our life partner, then why don't we just choose each other? We both have the same beliefs for everything related to this context and it'll only benefit us. We both care for each other and we'll keep doing that. Nothing won't even change between us and it'll only benefit the both of us. In business and in both of our lives." Kiaan explained.

"But Kiaan, this isn't anything casual. It's marriage. Do you even know how many responsibilities we are going to have if we go ahead with this? We both as husband and wife and our parents will then expect a lot from us. And this doesn't stop here. I know how it goes. Not even a month passes after marriage when parents start pestering about children." Natasha reasoned out her problems.

"You and I both know that we have to get married after a point. Just wonder what's better than getting married to your bestfriend with whom you're most comfortable. And as for children, I had that planned. I wanted a child for me, but as I was not interested in this stupid concept, it was only to get an heir for my business. But now it'll have another meaning to it." Kiaan said.

"Kiaan, are you still stuck on the thought from childhood that the parents just go to the hospital and bring a child with them? No right. It's a lot more than that." Natasha said without any hesitation.

"So you've forgotten about our teenage?" He asked smirking.

"Absolutely. It's still buried there." Natasha said with a known look, shifting her gaze away from him.

"I am not saying that you decide right now. Just take your time and look over everything for your final words." Kiaan said understandingly after sometime.

"I don't need more time." Natasha said.

"Huh?" Kiaan asked in confusion.

"I have already made up mind." She replied with a small smile.

"What is it?" Kiaan asked hopefully.

"That I can hear wedding bells in both of our houses." Natasha shouted mischievously.

"I can't believe this." He mumbled shaking his head, yet with a faint smile on his lips.



The Rai family was currently in a business party where Kunal and Anisha Rai were taking trying their best to use the opportunity with other business associates. It was the success party of a project, Mr. Aggarwal had completed very well and every businessman was invited with their families for the same.

The 6 year old Natasha was sitting in the corner with a cute pout, looking adorable as ever. She was dressed in a pink frock with a small princess tiara on her head. But she was alone. Her brother was busy with his friends he'd made in the beginning of the party and her parents were never an option for her to go.

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