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"Are you fucking serious?" theo asked, pissed off. " afraid so brother, turns out those little bastards had a second snake pit." gears said, his face serious.

 "I already made a fucking move on my woman and i cant just let go now." he replied, throwing his hands up. "you can't exactly stay away from her so just speed up whatever your plan was so we can get her under club protection with the other old ladies as fast as possible." chains said with a shrug. "That's my only option right now." Theodore replied. "Then you had better go get her." iron said from where he was standing. "Yeah i'd better." Theo muttered as he stormed out of the main room they used for club meetings.

 He exited the club house and fast walked over to his Harley. He swung a leg over the bike and started it up. It came alive with a loud roar then settled into a softer growl. He took off down the road, his mind set on his woman.

 A few minutes later he pulled up in front of the address Amelia had registered in the cafe's phone book. It was a three storey tall apartment building.it looked like college dorm. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either either, and Amelia deserved the best. He got off his bike and walked into the lobby.

the doorman was asleep so he headed straight for the elevators. he got in and pressed the button for the second floor. 

the doors opened with a ding. he stepped out and headed toward the right. he stopped in front of the door that said 204. he rang the doorbell and waited. a few seconds later, Amelia opened the door. "Theo! what are you doing here?" she said, looking back into the apartment as someone yelled. 

dressed in a loose T- shirt that fell till her knees and a pair of black tights, her hair open and messy, she still looked like the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen. he cleared his throat and said, "i came here because i need to-" a yell cut him off. "Amelia, mind making us some popcorn." she sighed, turned back and yelled, "yea i mind it Dylan, get your own popcorn. besides, i'm busy right now." just as she was turning back to him, a voice came from inside the house. "it wasn't a question Amelia." she stiffened and squeezed her eyes shut, muttering something underneath her breath. "yes i'll be right there." she turned around and said, "just give me a minute." then ran back into the apartment. a few minutes later, he heard yelling. then he heard Amelia scream. he ran into the apartment and what he saw, pissed him the fuck off.

Amelia stood in the kitchen, two guys in front of her. one of them was right in front of her, his hand raised, and the other one was on the opposite side of the island. Amelia was holding her left cheek, tears welling up in her eyes. "hey, get the fuck away from her." he yelled at the guy closest to her. he looked shocked as he lowered his fist. he got over it quickly and asked "who the hell are you?" "i'm the guy who's gonna put you six feet under if you don't step away from my woman right now." Theo growled at him.

 "try me." the guy said. Theo could easily take him. the guy was a lanky and a little shorter than him. Theo's fingers curled into fists right as Amelia said, "no don't, he's my brother." he turned to Amelia, and said, "this shit bag who just slapped you is your brother?" "it's- it's fine, he loses sight of right and wrong once he gets angry." she replied, her hand falling away from her cheek, which was now red and starting to bruise. "now get the fuck out of my house." her brother said to him. 

"Chris, don't-" Amelia started to say something but was  cut off when her brother yelled. "you just shut the fuck up and do what you're supposed to." Theodore opened his mouth to say something as he stepped forward, ready to beat the shit out of this prick, but Amelia said it first. "I just defended you and- you know what, Dylan can deal with you and your shitty temper." she stormed into another room and two seconds later, she came out with a backpack slung over her shoulder.

 "And where the fuck do you think you're going?" Chris said, grabbing her arm as she walked past him. She shook his hand off and said, "where i always go." then she grabbed Theodore's arms and dragged him out. just as they exited the lobby, He stopped her. "what?" she asked. "turn your head and show me your cheek." he told her. she sighed in annoyance and turned her face so he could see her left cheek. he saw a big red mark. He touched it a little and heard her take in a breath. "does it hurt?" he asked. "a little." she replied. he surveyed the rest of the exposed skin of her arms and saw many more bruises, some looked pretty recent but others appear to be older.

 "how much does he hit you?" he asked her through gritted teeth. "only when he gets angry." she said under her breath. "and how often does he get angry." he questioned with gritted teeth, his anger rising. "every second hour." she said, so softly that he could barely hear her. "fucking hell." he growled. "its nothing, it barely ever- ever hurts." she stuttered.

he touched her cheek and she drew a sharp breath. "doesn't hurt?" he said, raising an eyebrow. she looked away, and he said "where were you planning to go?" "the library and then maybe my best friends house, but i don't want to bother her so i'll probably just read all night." she replied. if she thought she was getting away from him, she was very wrong. "No fucking way, you're coming with me."

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