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Amelia's POV

3 more gunshots rang out into the stunned silence, then there was a heavy thud. I ran to Theodore as he hit the ground, the splotches of red on his T-shirt bleeding into the material, spreading.(see what i did there-bleeding- no one? okay🥲)

my hands trembled as i fell to the ground, pulling Theodore onto my lap. the bullets seem to have buried themselves in his abdomen and there was no exit wound. i moved my hand to cover the wound, applying pressure to it as i remembered from some random first aid seminar. all i needed to do was stop the bleeding until help arrived and he would be fine, nothing would happen to him. even as i repeated it in my head, thoughts of death and the agony of dying in such a way burrowed deeper into my optimism.

 i felt a tight pain in my chest as tears freely flowed down my cheeks. "its fine, you're gonna be fine love, everything's gonna be alright." i whispered to him, trying to convince myself more than him, my voice cracking as the tears spilled onto my shirt. "i'm fine, the adrenaline's still flowing so it doesn't even hurt, besides its you i'm worried about." he said, blood bubbling up to his lips as he smiled up at me. i knew he was lying about the pain, but i let myself believe it. "All right lovebirds break it up, that's just about enough little girl, get away from the corpse." Krono said. Dylan stood beside him, gun in hand. 

"No" i said, not turning from Theo, and not sparing them a second glance. discreetly, i slid my hand beside Theo and grabbed his gun. "No?" Krono chuckled. "i wasn't asking." i heard a slight click and turned to see Dylan with gun raised and aimed right at me. i took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. i pulled the gun out and aimed it back at Krono. "you shoot me, i shoot your boss." i said to Dylan. "And what makes you think he wont shoot you right after?" Krono asked, the smug look on his face having faltered for a second. "he's obviously just a lackey of  yours and you're the one that orchestrated this whole thing, so if i shoot you, he gets scared and runs off with his tail between his legs like a scared little bitch." I said, stalling. Theo had already told Iron where we were, or had at least given him enough to figure it out. 

Dylan's features twisted into a furious expression and right as he opened his mouth to say something, Krono spoke up. "Ooh finally gathered to courage to speak up have we? you know-" "oh shut it ya big bastard, your little bitch was gonna bark but you cut it off."i said, discreetly cradling Theo closer to me. "yeah i wanna hear what brilliant reason he has for betraying me." Chris said. He must have caught on. "oh i played you like a puppet, and you were so willing to do whatever i said, never having thought about it twice." Dylan said, his smirk reappearing. "that was because i trusted you because you saved my life." Chris replied, visibly starting to get angrier with each passing second. "That little jig? it was all a set-up, just sent a few thugs your way and sent him to swoop in as your night in shining armor, would've gotten himself killed too if they weren't paid to let him off easy." Krono said, smiling like he was proud of his little trick. "they still beat me up pretty nasty though, but i guess it made it more believable." Dylan said, working his jaw. 

Chris looked back at me, and i met his eye. keep them talking, i silently conveyed. he nodded like he'd gotten the message. "and what about all those other jams we've gotten out of together? were those just little shows too?" "that's enough, you've kept us talking for too long." Krono said, annoyed. Dylan swung the gun toward me, taking aim. i swiveled, aiming the gun at Dylan now. 

Krono smirked and said, "the brother." Dylan turned to point the gun at my brother, his finger on the trigger and the gun aimed at Chris' head, Dylan hesitated. but then his finger started to push down on the trigger, and mine did too. three gunshots echoed through the empty barn. the recoil had thrown my arm back and it hurt like a bitch but i tried to stay focused on the situation at hand. Dylan's body thumped to the floor, and Krono didnt even budge. He just sighed and said, "what a shame, a good pawn lost." he knelt down and pried the gun from Dylan's dead hands. "no matter, he was too sentimental anyway." Krono raised the gun, pointing it at me. i shot at him, but instead of gunshots, faint clicking sounds could be heard. "fuck." i said underneath my breath. Krono's laugh was followed by the sound of a gun firing, twice. i squeezed my eyes shut, cradling Theo, who was drifting in and out of consciousness, closer to me. i waited for the impact and the pain, but i felt nothing. i slowly opened my eyes, my grip on Theodore deathly tight.

 "Amelia u might wanna let go of your boyfriend before u become the cause of his death." A familiar voice said. Rick. i zeroed in on the men walking toward me, Theo's brothers. one of them, Gears, was on the phone, presumably making a 911 call. i Looked down at Theo, who was now conscious again. "we're fine, you're gonna be fine love, your brothers are here. Just dont pass out again okay?" "those idiots finally found us huh. they would've  been just as late if i'd given them a GPS, and shared my location." he said drowsily. I smiled at his attempt to make me laugh, tears that i'd been holding back finally surfacing. "Please, like you're any better with directions." i said, laughing, my vision bleary. "hey i'm better than fuckin' google maps." Theodore said with a grin. he reached his hand up to cup my cheek, pulling me down for a kiss. it wasn't rushed or desperate, it was soft and loving. we only pulled away when we ran out of breath. he looked me in the eye, smiling as his finger brushed my lips, and muttered, "I love you." slipping out of consciousness.

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