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Amelia walked beside Maya, Rebecca and Violet, laughing as they spoke about times when they'd completely messed up while getting cheesy with their husbands. "-and then he just stared at me like I was crazy!" Rebecca said, making them all laugh. "i would've just walked away right then and probably would've proceeded to get mad at him because he looked at me weird or something." Violet said, clutching her stomach as she laughed.

 Amelia accidently snorted and immediately slapped a hand over her mouth and nose, then they started laughing all over again. "Ooh girls, i spot a dessert table." Maya said, pointing to the table at the other end of the room. the three girls started toward it, then looked back at Amelia. "c'mon." Rebecca said. "uh I'm not really in the mood for anything sweet, maybe I'll snag something from one of your plates when you guys get back here." Amelia said with a grin. Rebecca smiled back and shrugged, "you do you." Then she followed the other girls to the table piled high with sweets. 

Right then, A slim, curvy blonde girl walked up beside Amelia and said, "hey I'm Sammy." Startles by her sudden appearance, Amelia turned to her and stuttered, "I- hi I'm Amelia." "yeah i know, Ink's old lady right." Sammy said with a bitter sweet smile. Amelia nodded awkwardly. "hey can i talk to you in private for a sec?" Sammy asked. 

"uh sure-" "great come on." Sammy said, grabbing Amelia's hand and leading her into one of the smaller rooms before she could finish. 

she flicked on a light switch and pulled Amelia into a corner of the room. "Now listen here you fat skank, i don't know what sorcery you did to make Ink fall for you, but I'm not letting this go on. I'll have you know that Ink loves me and only me. He told me so himself. And I'd bet my life that some one like you, could never reel in someone like my Theodore." Amelia was completely silent for a few moments, stunned, then Sammy spoke again. "what is it? cat got your tongue, slut? thought so, now that someone's called you out on your bullshit, you've been cornered. listen to me carefully-'' and that was when Amelia lost it.

 "no you listen to me. if there's a whore amongst the two of us it is most definitely you, and i don't give a flying fuck if you don't think someone like me can be with someone like Theo. And ask yourself this, if Ink loves you so much, why didn't he make you his old lady?" Sammy glared at Amelia, her lips pursed. "i- He must have a-a reason, my Theo always has a reason." Sammy stuttered, looking away. "i thought so, you have no answer because none of what you just said was true." Amelia said, a confident smirk plastered onto her face, though she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to diss Sammy.

As the other woman's words ate her up inside, Amelia confidently said, "you were nothing more than a pass time for my Theo, so don't get offended, but go fuck yourself." as she walked away, Sammy said, "just wait and watch you chubby bitch, He will always pick me over you." 

Amelia ignored her and walked out into the main room where the party was still going on as if nothing had happened. a few seconds later, the girls found her. "Ames! where were you?" Rebecca said, rushing up to Amelia. "oh i- uh- i was just roaming around." she replied, instantaneously deciding not to tell them about Sammy. As the group continued to talk and joke around, Sammy's words bounced around in Amelia's mind.

  'I'd bet my life that someone like you, could never reel in someone like my Theodore.' 'just wait and watch you chubby bitch, He will always pick me over you.' what if she's right, a meek voice said in her head. she looks perfect and you're anything but that. she's beautiful, thin, has experience, and she said it herself, he told her he loved her. 

"-ey Amelia, anybody in there?" violet said waving a macaroon in front of the girl's face. "huh? oh sorry, i just zoned out for a second.'' Amelia said, forcing a small smile. "well, anyway, we were talking about how bitchy the sweet butts are. they act like they own everything! want one?" Violet said, offering Amelia a plate of macaroons.

 "uh-no thanks I'm good." Amelia replied. violet shrugged and picked up a macaroon. over the course of the next few hours, the girls kept offering Amelia things to eat. Randomly walking up to her with plates piled high with food. and each time she refused it. she was exhausted at the end of the day because she hadn't eaten anything but breakfast and when the girls had offered her lunch she refused saying that she'd had a heavy breakfast late at the cafe right before she'd come there even though all she'd eaten was an apple. 

Theo and the others came by routinely to check on the girl every hour until Rebecca had a mood swing and yelled at gears to stop bothering her. then they changed the duration to every 2 hours. suffice to say, it was a great evening other than the Sammy incident. Amelia thought about asking Theo if what Sammy said was true, but if it wasn't he would think that she didn't trust him and he might get mad. she mulled and overthought it so much that she came up with about a hundred different ways it could go down, and none of them were good.

 Theo dropped her home around 11 and she had to sneak in. but only after she'd tiptoed all the way to her room, did she realize that her brother wasn't even home. she rushed through her nightly routine that mainly consisted of changing into pajamas and crashing onto her bed. the nightmares weren't pleasant 

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