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Theo's POV

"Nana, what's love?" 6 year old me asked my grandmother. "Oh, Theo, when did you get back from Practice?" my elderly nana smiled at me, beckoning me closer. Little Me walked over to her as she picked me up and set me down in her lap. "And where did this question come from?" "I heard Maa telling Papa that she loved him and then he started eating her face." Little Me said, looking up at my grandmother for an explanation. she let loose a vibrant laugh, her eyes lighting up. "Is love a bad thing Nana?" i asked her. "Oh heavens no! love is- its hard to describe but I'll try." my grandma said. "love is a beautiful thing, but it can also be very dangerous. when in love you do stupid and reckless things for your significant other. Hell, your grandpa almost killed himself for me, pushed me out of the way of a car that was barreling toward me." i gasped, looking at her in disbelief. "i never want to be in love nana." i hurriedly said. she looked at me for a second, wide-eyed, before she burst out laughing once again. "Oh it's not a choice Theo, it just happens. it's spontaneous, you see the one, and you just know its them, the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. it's this- this thing you feel inside and you can't ignore it, or let it go." she said, her eyes slightly unfocused, as if she weren't all there anymore, as if she was recalling some memory. i stared up at her, listening eagerly as she continued. "you know your grandfather only took week to get a ring on my finger. you father took longer, about a month, but only because he 'didnt want to rush it' his words not mine. your grandpa kept telling him to get on with it, that he was obviously in love with her." "but nana what if the person i love doesn't love me." "oh unrequited love can be a terribly painful thing, but maybe, just maybe, with enough time and effort, they might love you back. tell you what, when you find someone you love Theo, give them this." nana unclasped her necklace , something she'd always worn for as long as i could remember. it was a silver chain attached to what seemed like an emerald which was held up by twisted bands of silver on either side. "and once you've found her, never let her go." my nana said to Little Me, handing me the delicate chain, a gleam in her eye and a bright smile pulling at her lips.

The memory washed away like waves retreating back to sea. i felt the harsh light against my shut eyelids before i even fully returned to consciousness. i was in some shitty sort of bed with one of those rock hard mattresses, probably in a hospital jusdging by the last thing i remember, which was excruciating pain. i groaned as i tried to push myself up. "Theo! you're awake." a sweet and concerned voice came toward me. i instantly recognized it as amelia's. "Oh thank god, i thought i'd lost you, you're such a fucking asshole! you scared me half to death you- you prick." she said, hitting my arm before hugging me. my mouth felt like dry cotton as i spoke, "I missed you too." i winced as she squeezed me, well, tried to, her arms barely fit around my large build. a faint sound that sounded like a sob emanated from her. i instantly froze, was she-crying? fuck i dont know how to comfort people- god knows how the fuck i pulled it off last time, it was purely instinctual. she raised her head from my chest, but didnt look up at me. i gently held her chin and tilted her head up to face me. i hadn't noticed before but her hair was wild and her eyes, now lined with tears, were red and puffy, like she hadnt been sleeping or like she'd cried too much. "What's wrong Ames?" i said, my voice soft. "i was so scared." she said softly, her words almost a whisper. her hands moved to my chest as tears rolled down her red cheeks. "i was so scared i was gonna lose you Theodore." Her voice cracking as she spoke. "The doctors weren't even sure you were gonna make it through the night. I thought it was to late, that- that-" a sob wracked her body and i wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer to me. "shh, it's all fine love, i'm right here." "i thought i wouldn't even get to tell you that i- that i loved you too." she said, looking up at me, her eyes bearing a painful gleam in them. And i remembered what had happened right before i'd blacked out. i love you, i'd said to her. well at least i'd finally gotten it out, after having held it back for so long so  that i wouldn't scare her off. but i couldn't believe what i'd just heard her say. she loved me back? she didn't think it was too soon. "i know it might be too soon but Theo i cant- i dont want  to take this slow." "I dont want to either love, and i dont care if its too soon." i said, taking her hand in mine.  her lips pulled up into a big smile and she didnt hesitate a second before kissing me. snaking her arms around my neck, her tongue prodded my lips. i let her have control for a few more seconds before i snapped. i pulled her into my lap, the adrenaline rush having dispelled any hint of pain. i deepened the kiss, the semi-hard state i always seem to be in when she's around now having turned to a raging boner as she ground her hips against me, her core pushing onto my hard on. she moaned into my mouth as she got friction right where she needed it. i discreetly pushed the blanket off so that there'd be lesser barriers between us. she broke the kiss, another soft moan escaping her as my cock brushed against her clothed clit. "Theo we cant do this in here, what if someone walks in." she whispered in my ear, her words breathy as she neared her orgasm. i was about to reach my peak myself. i kissed down to her neck until i found the spot that made her moan the most. i kissed and sucked at spot until she dug her nails into my back and let out a small cry as she came. i panted as waves my own pleasure rolled over me. "That's the best orgasm i've ever had and we didnt even go past third base." i said, cracking a smile. she laughed and shifted on my lap a bit, and my dick instantly got hard again. she definitely felt it as she laughed again and asked, "God does that thing ever go down?" "Never around you Love." i said, my smile turning into a grin. i grabbed her cheek and pulled her closer, pressing a soft and tender kiss onto her lips. "I need to give you something." i said to her when we pulled away. she raised an eyebrow at me and i asked, "do you have any idea where my cut is?" "oh yeah, they were about take that away with the rest of your clothes but i told them to leave it with me since it wasn't bloodied and i figured you'd want it as soon as you woke up." she said, climbing off my lap and heading toward a black backpack. she unzipped it pulled out my cut, neatly folded, and handed it to me, sitting down beside me. i fished inside the right pocket until i finally found it. i pulled out a black velvet pouch, sewn into it were the initials M.W. Martha Warsaw, my nana. opening up the pouch, i gingerly took out the emerald pendant, the silver bands coiling around the green gem and the silver chains still gleaming. the small emerald still shone as it caught the light. My grandmothers pendant dangled from my hands, her words echoing in my head, 'when you find the one you love, give them this.

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