Chocolate Volcano Erruption!

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I just want to say, sorry these updates are inconsistent.. 😭, i meant to publish the last chapter last night but i fell asleep.. My teachers keep calling my parents about how i'm failing.. 😀🧍‍♀️But anyways i know the random scenes are super annoying! So everything from now on is real, no more flying Gundham's i ...swear...
"I challenge you to a pocky match."
Kazuichi, Ibuki, and Mikan's eyes were wide open and they exchanged looks...
"You've been acting fucking weird all day so if you lose, you tell me what's wrong, if i lose you can stay silent, i won't bother you anymore. deal..?"
"OOH Gundy you better accept! If you don't she's gonna kill you in your sleep~!" Ibuki pointed.
"First and foremost, do not calm me Gundy.. secondly i will not participate in such s-satire games!,you can play the game with Cham-P instead. Cham-P then hopped out of his scarf and onto the table where he looked up at me.
"I don't want to play the game with one of your Devas, they'll get sick from the milk." i groaned.
"Hmph.. i guess you're right.. the world would fall into the HANDS OF SATIN IF CHAM-P DIED, I ACCEPT THIS "GAME OR WHATEVER." he called out.
"Good, which flavor do you guys want? :)"
Chiaki questioned.
We both whipped out heads around and faced each other.
"UGGHHHH FINE we'll do freaking "ChoColate VolCano ErrUption." i complained.
Third person~
Y/N complained about the pocky flavor but she eventually agreed, Gundham had no idea what he was getting into...
Chiaki then pulled out the chocolate covered pocky stick and placed it in between the both of them, Y/N was determined to win against him and find out what was wrong with the dark lord..
Y/N bit down on the stick causing it to almost break off, with a moment of hesitation Gundham then placed his lips on the other end and soon their eyes met, Y/N's eyes were full of  determination.
"Okay.. ready? go!" Chiaki waved her hand like a flag and Y/N was the first to take a bite.
They had both taken their first bite, still not breaking eye contact. They could feel the other's staring but they both refused to back down. Stubborn..
Gundham's P.O.V
The familiar flavor of chocolate.. the same one i used to eat as a kid filled my mouth, hm.. i wish San-D could have some.. or at least one of my Devas.. too bad it is chocolate, which is deadly to my Devas.. But why does Y/N want to know about me..? After all she insulted my Devas.. but they've grown comfortable around her presence, perhaps that's a good sign.. hmm i have no one to share my.. "feelin-" GAH.. THE GUNDHAM TANAKA DOES NOT LET HIS FEELINGS GET IN THE WAY OF HIS WORK.. HE STILL HAS A JOB TO DO HERE IN THIS REALM... hmph..
Back to first person~
Gundham's been staring at me for like ages..? Is he feeling alright? Geeez i can't ever predict this kid... he has a whole mindset of his own.. I decided that he wasn't going to do his turn so i took another bite, which seemed to awaken him from his own world.. We then continued until there was only one more bite left, my face was getting really hot and Gundham was a little red as well, he couldn't hide his face in his scarf anymore which i found quite funny, everyone else was staring and taking pictures, even some other people we didn't know were watching us..
It was my turn... so i parted my lips and took the last chocolate covered, dough piece it was a small bite so i swallowed it in a mere second but..
Gundham's P.O.V
Gundham had been silent the entire time leaving him alone with his thoughts.
What should i do..?
I do not understand this feeling...
Why does my heart beat so.. fast..
Hmph.. whatever, i cannot be swayed by such despicable "feelings" hahaha~ not me.. Gundham Tanaka... i shan't fall for SUCH FIENDS MWHAGAHAAA~ I WILL WI-
Kazuichi's P.O.V
I mean... Gundham IS my friend, he's also a centimeter AWAY FROM A SUPER HOT GIRL.. THE DUDE'S A TOTAL IDIOT.. SOMETIMES PEOPLE NEED A LITTLE "push".. hehehege..
Third person~
During that one small second..
that one second.
Kazuichi jumped up from his seat and shoved Gundham, hard.
And because gravity is a thing.. Gundham fell forward and straight into Y/N..
They both fell over their heels and onto the floor where Gundham was "on top" of Y/N.
Kazuichi and Ibuki snickered and high fived each other while Chiaki's eyes were glued onto her game.. Mikan was trying to look away from the "scene" but she liked to watch other people do things...
Gundham's hands were pinning Y/N down to the floor while his right knee was in between her thighs.. it was a pretty, petty accident for them to have fallen into a position like so:
"AuAAAH~ Mikan called covering her eyes with her long fingers.
"WOAH GET A ROOM~" Ibuki teased
"YEAH GO GET A ROOM,!" Kazuichi added
"h-huhh..?... HUH-?!" Y/N's voice was almost as high as Mikan's as her face turned a dark shade of red.. clearly visible.
Gundham's hair had lost all of it's hairspray
I was just looking back on this chapter and i- H O W how does hair lose hairspray- i- nvm
and was now hanging down from his face.
His expression was calm but confused, his eyebrows formed into a scowl once he realized where he was.
Okay.. Back to first person~
GUNDHAM.. was on top of me.. i could feel random people staring at the two of us.. Ibuki and Kazuichi were giggling like little kids... but they're laughs felt really loud, i can even feel Gundham's hot breath on my neck.. what do i do now? If it were anyone else. ANYONE i would have kicked them off but.. for some reason i i didn't want to do that to Gundham..He was my friend...and i don't want to kick him off and hurt him like that. So i then looked up at Gundham.From this position he actually looked attractive. Our eyes met once again as his hair was dangling in my face. He had a relaxed expression but there was a hint of another emotion that i wasn't sure about yet.
"Uhh.. Gundham.. you can get off of me now..." I whispered, not wanting to make matters worse but he ignored my request and continued to stare at me.
I didn't really like his stares because i had no place to run, no place to hide i was just trapped between his bandaged hands.
Sorry Gundham..
I yelled that part really loud and "softly" kicked him in the gut.. but i think it still hurt him because he made a weird noise and fell back
"nngh-" i heard him mumble something under his breath but he eventually got to his feet, i did as well.
Everyone in the food court was staring at us, whispering and laughing. Gundham's face was redder than Mahiru's hair. What the heck is up with this guy?!
"Um.. so who won?" Chiaki mentioned.
"AG- SO YOU WEREN'T EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?! Kazuichi aggressively rubbed his neck.
"No sorry," Her eyes still stuck on her game.
"I won."
"I am the winner.."
I whipped my head and faced Gundham.
"Gundham i clearly won~!" My eyebrows forming a scowl.
"But you injured me meaning that I, the dark lord Gundham Tanaka has won."
"That's not FUCKING FAIR! KAZUICHI PUSHED YOU! HE SHOULD LOSE!" I pushed the blame onto Kazuichi.
"WHAAAAA-? aw mann... you caught mee.." He frowned and pulled his beanie over his face and sat back down.
"IBUKI TOOOOTALLY SHIPS YOU TWO!" Ibuki beemed hopping around.
"This isn't some anime, Ibuki, you know what. I ship you with MIKAN.!" I then grabbed their chairs and scooter them closer.
"U-um do you guys want to.. maybe go to t-the festival.. y-you know the one t-that's in town next w-weekend... i- have some s-spare tickets.. but i don't have to c-come..." Mikan squeaked slowly scooting closer to Ibuki.
Gundham and me then sat back down in our seats and the other people at the food court left.
"Y-yeah the Fall f-festival i-is soon.. i-i have 7 we all c-can go.. u-unless you have.. plans.. AAghh~ I'M SORRY FOR ASSUMING YOU'LL HANG O-OUT  WITH ME- HERE TAKE THE TICKETS.. I'M SORRY, PLEASE JUST FORGIVE ME~" Mikan cried protecting herself with her hands as she threw the tickets down on the table and started crying..
"Woah.. Mikan.. it's fine!"
"Yes. It is all in good hands.. You mustn't apologize for something as mere as "tickets"
"Mikan, thank you so much for going out of your way and getting these tickets! I'm sure we can all go! Mikan.. you as well.!"
"Mikaneeeee~ We are all gonna have fun at the festival! ALL OF US! Hehe! Ibuki promises!"
"Wha~ r-r-really...?" Mikan then wiped away her tears and we all began to pack up our stuff. It was already 2:36 so we decided that it was time to leave the mall.
"We never decided who won the freaking pocky match!!" Kazuichi yelled and caught up to us.
"You're r-right.. who won?" Mikan agreed
"Uhh i'm not sure. but i definitely won.!"
"Hmph i think not! I will always triumph over you mortal.!"
Maga-Z then crawled out of Gundham's scarf and jumped onto his shoulder.
"Oh-? if i'm a mortal then how can i do THIS-?" I then picked up Maga-Z and gently pet him in my culled hands.
"HEY WHA.. huh.. interesting, you're the first person who has not died touching Maga-Z.. i guess you wield more power than i expected..i guess you aren't a mortal.. hm." Gundham then continued to stare as we all walked on the cold sidewalk, It was getting colder out and Gundham hid his Devas in his scarf, as well as his face. We passed by Kazuichi's house as we said our goodbyes, next was Mikan's house, we waved goodbye as she wobbled inside her home, some cold wind blew directly in my face making me shiver. Gundham noticed my shivers and questioned "Why did you come outside in such wear.?" At first i didn't understand what he meant but i then realized he was talking about my outfit. "Well when i left my house it was warm and sunny.. but when i left Starbucks it got colder.. and now it's even colder since we left the mall.." I explained
"Ah I"
Gundham's Devas scampered into his deep pockets as he unwrapped his scarf from his neck, he then walked in front of me and stopped.
He reached his hands around my neck and gently wrapped his dark purple scarf around my bare neck , tying it like it was on his neck, the fabric tickled me making me let out a small laugh. Which made him crack a smile, my neck was now warm as i admired his concentration, he finished tying it around me making sure it was loose and comfortable, he stuck his non bandaged hand in between the scarf and my neck to make sure i could breathe.
"Can you breathe?" he questioned
"Yeah, thank you Gundham," I smiled
Chiaki's eyes were still glued on her video game as the occasional *beep* would come from her device.
"Hey.. guys this is my house.." She looked up and thanked Ibuki for the invitation.
"No problemo! this was fun, even though we didn't do much!" She beemed and hugged Chiaki as she walked inside.
"OOH Y/N~ that scarf looks good on you!" Ibuki hopped ahead on me and stopped observing my face closely..
"Ibuki.. err.."
"HMMMMM, let's continue!"
She ran up ahead of me and Gundham leaving us alone.
"Soooo are you going to tell me what's wrong,? I won didn't I?" I smirked and looked up at his expression.
"Why you fool, it is quite obvious i am the champion of the pocky game..!" We argued for quite a bit until we reached Ibuki's house.
"HeYOOOO okay i'll see you guyss later!" Ibuki winked and pulled her package from the door inside. After her door shut we continued walking and bickering.
"Tell me Gundham!"
"No, nothing is wrong."
"I'll just kidnap one of your Devas and make them my pet."
"The Devas are not mere "pets.."
"bruh okay fine stay silent."
We continued to silently walk, it wasn't long until we reached my house.
"Gundham do you want to come inside for some hot chocolate?
Unless you have something better to do.?"
I questioned expecting a "no" or a
"i have to save the world from the clutches of Satin" but surprisingly he silently nodded and said,
"I might as well, i don't have anything to do, except conjure some evil spells..."
Is this guy on the good side or bad side,?
I can't really tell..
HEY IT'S ME AGAIN.. you like the double chapter? mwah! i do.. but uhh make sure to vote so more people can notice me 😭, oh shizz my teacher's calling my ipad 💀✋

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚?   (gundham x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora