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I wrote the bonus episode while i was falling asleep so that's why it's kinda odd.. anyways continue~
I picked up my phone and called Ibuki's number.. no response huh.. so i decided to go to her house.. Her house was actually walking distance from my house so i thought it would be fine just to go out on a walk for a bit.. her location was on showing she was at her house, or at least her phone was..
I packed up a bag of just my switch, phone, headphones and just some stuff we could do.
I then opened my door as i was greeted by the warm August wind in my face, which immediately put a smile on my face.. My head was actually hurting all night.. i kept thinking about that STUPID scene with Gundham.. what a weirdo... he's on the same level as TERUTERU... his little "god talk" is probably just a cover.. he probably used his little DEEVEES or something to get close to me so that he could attack me at the party.. hmm yes that was his plot.. that's why he was staring..
As i was walking down the sidewalk i thought it would be a good idea to stop by Starbucks as well.. Ibuki always likes their Peppermint mocha on cold days... so i thought i should give her a little gift for the party.. didn't Mikan stay over? She probably already left.. i wish i knew if she was still there.. then i could get her something as well.. Mikan seemed like a really nice friend who just needed some self esteem..
I continued my stroll down the road till i reached Starbucks.. I then opened the door as i was greeted by a warm voice..
"Hello! welcome inside!" The voice sounded familiar so i looked up and my eyes met with Mahiru. "Oh hey Mahiru! You work here?"
i greeted.
"Heh.. yeah i've been needing some extra money for a new camera.. i've also had some experience with coffee so i just applied for multiple coffee shops, this one just so happened to accept!" She softly smiled while putting whipped cream onto another customer's order. "Oh wow that one looks good, what's it called?" i wondered.
"Haha.. this one is a Caramel Frappuccino! Do ya want it?" she pointed at the coffee.
"Is it alright if i just place my entire order when you're finished with everyone else's?"
"Yeah, that's fine," she replied.
I then wrote down my order, handed it to Mahiru, and sat down at a booth.
It wasn't very long till i heard my name being called up at the front.
I then picked up my coffee and thanked Mahiru. As i walked out of the shop i was greeted by cold air this time.. "Looks like it got chillier" i said to myself.
I was walking down the smooth side walk as i stopped at the park.. On a metal bench i saw Gundham sitting down talking to his
Dark Devas in his cupped hands. From far away he actually looked pretty sad.. I wanted to make amends with Gundham.. i'll admit.. he was kinda funny with his whole godly act it was stupid but i guess everyone had their ways..
I approached the fountain where Gundham was sitting by, he was still talking to his Devas, captured in his own world. With my drinks still in hand i sat down next to him. And that's when he looked up, he looked up from his hands and we made eye contact. That's when everything went silent. The wind stopped shaking the trees and the birds stopped chirping.. the water was tuned out..everything was quiet.
Gundham quietly mumbled,
"Why are you here fiend..?" his voice trailing off into a loud sigh
"oh uhh.. Gundham.." I continued to look at him as he turned away. I should really apologize for insulting him, he doesn't look okay.. his gaze is less... hard.. he's more approachable now.. though i hate being all SoFt to my opponents.. and most of the time i would NEVER EVER EVER apologize to someone like HIM.. but for some reason i was always compelled to talk to him.. he's weird yeah, making him mad is hella funny yeah, but like i wonder if he has many friends... oh wait that's kinda mean.. i meant like who does he hang out with? I see him with Kazuichi and sometimes Sonia but i don't exactly know who he considers his friends..
"Gundham.. do.. you.. want to be friends?"
"Friends? hmph. the great Gundham Tanaka, doesn't need mere allies... he only needs his Four Dark Devas of Destruction. fwhahaha.." His laugh sounded dejected and small.. something was definitely up.
"No, Gundham i would like to be friends- i mean uhh allies! We could team up and defeat the darkness... you know.. evil.!" i sparked and scooted closer to Gundham.
He scooted further away.
What the heck's up with this guy.. :|
I had tried to be nice but this dude was just avoiding me...
"Gundham." i frowned
He then slowly got up from the bench, put his Devas in his scarf and sped walked away.
He looks kinda funny speed walking..
Okay wait something is TOTALLY wrong.
"GUNDHAM wait!.." i called and caught up to him.
"LEAVE THE DARK LORD ALONE.!" he shouted. Walking even faster than before.
"GUNDHAMM-!" I screeched and turned into a ghost horse as a swarmed around him like a giraffe. IT'S JUST SO FUNNY TO PUT RANDOM STUFF IN THIS. OKAY SORRYYY.
I sprinted and stopped in front of him, blocking his way.
"Let. Me. THROUGH." he glared.
"hmph nothing is WRONG.. Y/N i would just like to be left alone..please.." he mumbled the please part and dragged his feet behind him.
Alright.. he leave me no choice..
I dashed back up to him and grasped his bandaged hand, which spun him around facing me..
"GHN- LET ME GO YOU FOOL-" he yelped, trying so hard to squeeze out of my grasp.
"No Gundham, please i just want to talk." I looked at him in the eyes and then he finally nodded... Stubborn huh.
We then both sat down on the same bench as i handed him the Caramel Frappuccino i got from Starbucks.
"Do you want it,?
"hm.. alright.."
Gundham then took it from my hand and took a small sip of the cold liquid.
"What is this... elixir.. it is powerful..?" he mumbled.
(an elixir is basically a magical potion)
"Errr.. it's a Caramel elixir!" i made up, i was into video games as a kid so i decided to play along.
"Hmph... i can feel OVERWHELMING POWER, FWHAHAHAA~" he shouted.
Good.. he seems a bit more stable now..
"It was a healing elixir, do you feel better?" i questioned looking up at his smiling self.
"Yes.. i do.. it's COURSING THROUGH MY VAINS~ FWHAHAHAHAA~" He then jumped up and did his signature pose.
After his posing session was over Ibuki's coffee had already gotten cold, but spending time with Gundham was fun..
He let me "look" at his Devas because apparently they are so "deadly" that one touch can kill you.
I made a few jokes that allowed him to crack a smile.. or two.. or five.
I then glanced at my watch,
It was already 1:45...
"ONE FORTY FIVE!?" i yelped and jumped off the bench confusing Gundham.
"OH CRAP~ I'M LATE I NEVER TOLD THEM," i dug through my bag looking for my phone as Gundham got up as well asking what was wrong.
"Huh-? oh.. i don't remember agreeing to- AuGh- WHAT IS THE MEANING-!" Gundham was cut off my me, I grabbed the end of his scarf and sprinted through the park.
"GUNDY WE HAVE TO GO, WE'RE ALREADY LATE.!!!!" i called out.
"WHO- Gundy-? AUgh- WAIT UP I NEVER EVEN-" i continued to drag him till we reached my house.
"Gundham, come on they're probably worried about us."
Gundham rejected what i said but i still dragged him into my car, the engine revved up and i speeded down the neighborhood road.
"SPuGh- gah quit going so fast-" Gundham spat.
I didn't really listen as i just steered through the winding roads.. till we eventually got to the mall parking lot. I parked the car by the entrance and dialed Ibuki's number again.. no response, so i dialed Mikan's.. also no response.. Me and Gundham sprinted inside.. actually i was still dragging Gundham...
I then dialed Kaz's number.
He responded,
🔧-"HEY Y/N, so what's up?"
🎭-"Hey Kaz, uhhh are you guys still at the mall.?"
Why's my emoji.. like that..,?
🔧-"actually most of the class already left.. Me, Ibuki, Mikan, and Chiaki are the only ones still here, we're at the Rainforest Cafe actually, are you on your way?" there was a lot of background noise so i could barely make out that he said..
🎭-"Yeah, me and Gundham are almost there."
🔧-"Oh Gundham's with you?"
🎭-"Yeah, i'll see you in a bit, bye!"
🔧-"Bye, Bye.!"
I then hung up and me and Gundham then walked inside the mall we were greeted with many unfamiliar sights, sounds and smells..
I just want to apologize guys, my teachers have been nagging me about my 50 missing assignments, like i know Mrs. Wilson 🙄✋
Leave me alone, but anyways i WILL upload at least once a day.. sorry this one was late 💕

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚?   (gundham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now