This is chaos...

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Soon a red car pulled up next to us, inside the car were two male figures in the front seats. Ibuki waved at them and motioned for us to get inside the car. So me, Mikan and Ibuki all got into the back. We got into the back with me being in the middle,the males then introduced themselves. A pale, white haired boy who was in the driver's seat was the first to talk, he was really smiley and he came off as creepy in my opinion..."Hey i'm Nagito Komaeda and i'm the Ultimate Lucky student, and i hope we can get along!" Nagito just looked back at us and smiled innocently.
Then i realized that in the passenger seat was the guy the pretty girl called "Fuyuhiko."
He looked back at us and scoffed. "For the record i was fucking forced to be in this party.. i didn't want to come." Fuyuhiko then turned back to the front and looked out the window.
Ibuki then turned to me and whispered...
"Hey Y/N... he might've come off as mean but once you get to know him he's not that bad"
I was about to ask how she even "knew" him but she quickly added "i've know him since middle school." she smiled and looked over at Mikan who was fiddling with her hair.
"Alright.. shall we go now?" Nagito asked
"Yeah we don't want to be late." i replied
"Y-yeah i agree with Y/N.. we s-should go" Mikan mumbled

The drive was short and soon we were at Ibuki's house. She must've gotten someone from her house to decorate while she was at school.. how did she do all of this in a day? We parked the car and knocked on the hazel door. Kazuichi then opened the door and greeted us
"Hey guys!"
There were "hi's" and "hey's" but i'm still confused on how Ibuki even did all of this?
There were lights and streamers as well as some snacks out on the coffee table, Half of our classmates were already here hanging around the snacks and chatting. We all walked inside, everyone was still in their school uniforms, i counted everyone that was already here.. there were some people that i'd seen but have not yet been introduced to....
The only people i knew at the party were Kaz.. wait no just Kazuichi.. i didn't know anyone else. There was the really pretty red haired girl talking to a short child with a kimono..hmm why's a kid here?
There was also a really buff guy talking to a fit looking.. busty girl, the tan girl was eating.. omg she's not stopping is she? dang i want that metabolism.. anyways me, Ibuki and Mikan all sat on the leather couch next to the coffee table. Then that's when i saw HIM. I looked up to see Gundham sitting on the floor on the other side of the table feeding his "hamsters" some sunflower seeds from the palm of his hands. He then looked up at me and we made direct eye contact.
He stared at me and i stared back, i'll be honest i wanted to get along with everyone at this party and not cause any drama especially since everyone's at peace right now..
So i just softly smiled and waved at him, he then continued eye contact silently. I tried to distract myself by talking to Mikan but i could feel his stares. He continued to stare at me which made me uncomfortable.. but i really didn't want to start something RIGHT now.. i opened my mouth to speak but then i felt something furry crawling.. in.. my.. wait "SHIT!" i yelped and jumped off the couch. Everyone went silent.
"THERE'S A FURRY THING IN MY- MY- GUYS I-IBUKI-" I was basically jumping around and my face was burning up.
Ibuki jumped up from the couch and kept asking "What's wrong?"
Mikan was panicking and she got up and asked if i needed help
Fuyuhiko was "drunk" in the corner
(he's literally drinking apple juice 😭)
Kazuichi ran over and tried to help Fuyuhiko who was "drunk"
The short girl was laughing at me and was whispering to the red haired girl.
The red haired girl had a scowl on her face
There were knocks at the front door and soon the door was kicked down..
"ABLUBLUBLUBLUBULHH.." Ibuki was out cold..
"AHHHAH~ IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" Mikan held her hair and fainted
The tan, fit girl was still eating all the snacks
The big, buff male ran out of the room saying he had to "be a man.."
Fuyuhiko was cussing out Kazuichi..
I was still jumping skirt kept going up but there was so much going on i don't think anyone noticed...
Gundham was still sitting but his mood changed in an instant as he yelled.. "WHERE IS MIRAGE GOLDEN HAWK, JUM-P...!?" he soon jumped up and stormed over to me.. the fuzzy creature had crawled up and into my bra.. and my face was getting hotter by the second.. soon the small creature peeked out of my shirt. then everybody went silent. There was someone standing in front of the doorway but then Gundham was right in my face.. he then reached his bandaged hand right into my shirt, which made me yelp and try to push him off..
"W-whhaaa? dude you're drunk on apple juice how's that even-?!"
"hic~ i- where.. where's my.."
"Young master please calm down..."
"Hiyoko.. um.."
"dude you kicked the fucking door down..?"
"Hajime~ come upstairs with hic~ me..."
"Wha- n-no you're drunk.."
"W-wait.. N-nagito ah.."
I kept trying to shove him off of me and eventually we were on the leather couch.. there was so much going on it was chaotic..
Gundham was then on top of me and we was reaching into my shirt.
"I NEED JUM-P" he yelled
Why was nobody helping me..?
Then Teruteru came over next to me and said he was "going to help.."
i kicked the both of them off and pulled out the small hamster out of my shirt.
I then threw Jum-p at the wall making him squeak his last squeak.
I put "Jum-P down on the coffee table.. my face was a BRIGHT RED. Everyone stopped doing what they were doing and looked at the door.
"SPARKLING JUSTICE! .. i am very sorry i am late my friends.."
a soft and proper voice called out from the doorway..
"M-miss Sonia..?"
"Sonia how did you?"
"I thought you all were in trouble since i heard a bunch of yelling and thumps.. are you all okay?" she walked in like an angel sent from heaven~ she must be the "Miss Sonia" Kazuichi was talking about..
Gundham then turned and picked up his hamster, then turned to me.. "I am sorry
Y/N," he then bowed "Jum-P normally never gets away from me.. so i was determined to get him back.. i did not realize my actions would result in this.. hm.." his face soon turned a slight shade of pink which was probably him realizing what he just did. "I-it's fine.. it's not a b-big deal.. haha.." i mumbled. That was a lie.. it actually made me quite upset, he should control his hamsters and keep them in cages or something.. but i'll admit they were cute.. the hamsters not him.

Gundham then looked up and placed the hamster in his scarf. "I do hope you'll forgive my actions.. Y/N.." he looked away from me hiding half his face in his scarf.
"L-like i s-said it's n-not a big d-deal.." i squeaked, i was stuttering like Mikan which was really embarrassing for me.. i normally never stutter.. i hate stuttering..
I turned to the right of me and on the floor.. Mikan was on top of Ibuki.. her chest was in Ibuki's face.. can she even breathe?
Ibuki then snapped awake and i could barely hear her say "I can't breathe~"
Mikan then snapped awake as well mumbling to herself about how warm she was.. "Wha-WHAAA? I'M SO SORRY AH.. PLEASE FORGIVE ME PLEASE I BEG~" Mikan stumbled off of Ibuki.. Ibuki still gasping for air.. "nnghh~ it's fine Mikan *cough*" Ibuki soon jumped up and analyzed the situation..
The door was broken down..
Fuyuhiko was out cold..
Kazuichi was crying? uhh..
Sonia was talking to Chiaki about
"Sparkling Justice"
Hajime and Nagito were.. nowhere to be.. seen.
Akane was STILL EATING..
Nekomaru was doing push-ups like a sim 💀
Teruteru was hopping on Cham-P
"it izz almost time~"

𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙚𝙭𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙡𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚?   (gundham x reader)Where stories live. Discover now