Chapter Sixteen

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Later that night when everyone left, it was just mom, dad, Drake, and I talking.  Well, mostly me talking to my mom while dad took Drake into another room to talk about ‘business’.  “So, do you like him?”  I gasped and hit my mom’s arm playfully.  “No!  He’s just my bodyguard.  He is pretty nice though, so are teh others.”  She smiled knowingly.  “Oh, I’m sure.  You know, I’m the one who picked him out for you?  Your dad wanted to put you with some forty year old man, but I thought that Drake might be a better choice.”  I smiled at her, blushing.  She totally knew something was going on.  “Well, is it alright if I go up to my old room for a minute?  I left one of my shirts here last time I came.”  “Of course, don’t mind all of the papers, I’m cleaning out the file cabinets.”  I ran up the stairs, and straight back to my old blue room.  It looked exactly the same, except for the stacks of papers in the floor.  I searched around for the shirt, but nothing.  I got down on my knees, and looked under the bed where stuff was also piled.  Just my luck, my shirt was in the very back behind everything.  I started pulling out papers left and right, until one caught my eye.  My birth certificate, which for some odd reason, I had never seen before.  I smiled, as I read over it.  Charolette...Styles?!

I blinked a few times to make sure that I was reading that correctly.  In fact, I was.  Styles?  As in Harry Styles?  But why would my last name be Styles?  Niall is my dad, right?  I kept reading further down until I got to the father; Harry Styles.  I took in a sharp breath, and let the paper fall out of my hands.  I got my cell out, and dialed Ryan’s number.  I would’ve just gotten Drake, but he was busy with my dad and I didn’t want to interrupt.  He answered after a few rings.  “Come pick me up, I’m at my mom and dad’s house.”  With that, I hung up.  I sat on my window ledge until Ryan’s car pulled up outside, then walked outside unnoticed.  Ryan got out to open my door.  “What’s wrong?  Did you tell Drake you were leaving?”  I shook my head, and continued to stare ahead with no emotion on my face.  He reluctantly shut my door, and got back into the drivers side.  “Text him, or you’ll get into a butt load of trouble.”  I pulled my phone out, and shot him a quick text saying, “Left with Ryan, long story.  I’ll explain later, sorry if you get in trouble, just needed to be alone. xx”  Seconds later I got a text back from him, “Don’t worry about me, hope you’re alright.  Be home in a little while. x”  I sighed, and looked out the window.  We were pulling up at a local ice cream place.  I turned, and smiled at Ryan, and he returned it.  “Thought you’d like some ice cream while we talk about this little problem.”  I nodded, and got out of the car.  “Thank you.”  I said as he put an arm around my shoulders.  “We’ll have two double scoop, double chocolate chip’s in a cone, with extra chocolate on top.”  The man looked at us like we were crazy, but typed it in anyway.  “That’ll be $6.00.”  Ryan handed him the money, and we sat down on a bench to wait for our ice cream.  “So, tell me what all of this is about.”  I took a deep breath, and began explaining.  “Well, I went upstairs in my old room to look for a shirt that I had left at my parents house, and it was under the bed behind some papers.  I had to move the papers to get to he shirt, and I pulled out my birth certificate which I had never seen before.  It had ‘Styles’ as my last name, and Harry as my dad.”  He nodded, taking in all of the crazy information.  “Do you want me to take you to your uncle’s house?”  “You would do that?”  He nodded, going to get the ice cream that the guy had in his hands.  “Of course.”  I smiled again.  “That would be great.  Thanks.”  

After we ate all of our ice cream, (Well, Ryan ate his, and the rest of mine) he drove me to Uncle Harry’s apartment.  I told Ryan to stay in the car, because I thought Harry might open up more if we were alone.  I knocked on his door three times before he answered.  “Hey babe, what’s up?”  “Is it ok if I come in for a little while?”  He nodded, and opened the door wider to let me in.  I sat down on the couch, while he sat across from me.  “Umm, so I have a question.”  “Ok.”  I looked around trying to find something to look at, but there was nothing so I settled on my hands.  “I...uh went to my room...and I found something...”  He furrowed his eyebrows, as if saying ‘I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me’.  “It was my birth certificate...and it had your name on it.”  He started...laughing?  I looked at him, waiting for him to explain.  “Charlie, I’m not your dad.  Niall is 100% your dad, but when we were younger, your mom and I might’ve-”  “No details, please!”  I screamed, covering my ears.  “Well, when she got pregnant with you, the hospital called and said I was the dad.  What happened was, they got your mom’s and your Aunt Georgia’s results mixed up.  After that they cleared it up, and everything’s alright now...well, except for your birth certificate.”  I felt relief wash over me after hearing that story and knowing that my whole life hadn’t been a lie.  “Is it ever...awkward between you and mom?”  He shook his head vigorously.  “It was a little at first, but now we both know that it was a stupid little mistake.  Besides, I love Georgia very much, and your mom loves Niall.”  I smiled, feeling much better.  “Thanks, Harry.  I should probably get going, one of my guards is waiting out in the car for me.”  He nodded, and opened the door for me.  “See you later, kiddo.”  “Bye.”  I responded.  I skipped out to the car, and got in with Ryan.  “How’d it go?”  He asked hesitantly.  “Everything’s fine, it was just a misunderstanding.”  He nodded.  “Alright, well Drake said he is on his way back to your house.”  “Did he say anything about what my dad told him?”  He shook his head, smiling.  For some reason, I didn’t fully believe that he had no clue what was going on.  We pulled up to my house a little while later, and Drake’s truck was sitting outside.  I hopped out, needing to be with him, and ran to his room.  He was laying on his bed without a shirt on, texting someone.  His eyes snapped to me when I walked in, and he instantly smiled.  “Hey.”  I sat down next to him as he sat up.  “Are you alright?”  He asked, swinging an arm around me.  “Yeah, everything’s fine now.  Just a misunderstanding.”  “Tell me.”  I explained everything to him, down to me leaving.  “I’m glad you got it all worked out.”  I nodded, me too.  He kissed me passionately, getting my mind off things.  Someone knocked on the door, and I reluctantly pulled away.  “What?”  He said annoyed that whoever was outside had just interrupted us.  “Is Charlie in there with you?”  Pierce called from the other side.  “I don’t know, why?”  He sounded even more annoyed that it was Pierce who interrupted us.  “Because she wasn’t in her room, and I wanted to make sure she didn’t run away again.”  He marched up to the door and flung it open to look at him.  “What were you doing in her room?  You’re a far guard, why were you doing my job?”  There was venom in each word he spoke.  “What’s wrong, are you jealous?”  Drake narrowed his eyes at him, but didn’t say a word.  I started walking up to the door as Pierce started talking again.  “Or are you afraid that your girlfriend is going to come chasing after me or Ryan?  I mean, She’s already kissed him, it’s just a matter of time until she kisses me now that I’m her bodyguard.”  I reached the door just in time to see Drake lunge towards him.  “You don’t talk about my girlfriend like that!  Do you understand me, Pierce?!”   He said his name like it was a disease.  “Drake, stop it!  Get off of him!”  I tried to pull on his arm.  “See?  She’s already defending me.”  I watched as Drake pulled his arm back, and his fist connected with Pierce’s face.  “Ryan!”  I screamed as loud as possible.  I heard him racing up the stairs, and he soon took in the scene in front of him.  He ran over to the two boys, and tried to pry them off of each other.  Ryan managed to wedge in between them...right as Drake threw a punch.  

Drama, drama, drama.  Haha, anywayyyy...I'm so terribly sorry for the late update!  There's been quite a bit of drama here, as well!  Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!  If I can get this book up to 20 votes, I'll post another chapter tonight :)  Thanks for the fans, commenting, and voting!  Keep it up!  <3

Lots of love,


Charlie's Story. (Book Two Of 1D Fanfic) COMPLETEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin