"Crystal is right, especially with Ash's past with stuff like that they would want him to take a break," Sierra responded shaking her head in agreeance.

"I've already started going out less and trying to drink less and I'm scared because it was really difficult at first and I don't want to become addicted."

"It's okay to struggle for a bit but just remember that you have so many people behind you and the important thing is that you want to get better," I replied with, out of the blue.

I looked over to Haley, thinking she would feel left out but instead, I saw her listening intently and smiling warmly at KayKay.

After we got our food and drinks I found myself drinking less of my alcoholic beverage as I kept thinking back to Ashton.

I didn't know he struggled with that and he shouldn't do that to himself just so the guys could have more fun. Hopefully, he and KayKay work it out together. This whole situation had me thinking about right after I had broken up with Aaron I spent a week or 2 drunk every day and almost got fired. I still drink obviously and get pretty drunk but I will never ever get to that point again because I remember how horrible it felt and I don't want Ashton to feel that way.

The rest of the girl's night was spent talking about Calum and I and extra girly things. They didn't get much out of me besides the fact that we were 'together' ish I guess.


-Monday, July 23rd, 2018-

I led Haley and Harlow into the rehearsal space and walked towards the back couches to put my stuff down. Calum said it was all good to bring Harlow with and I was glad because she always enjoyed going places.

Haley tagged along with me because she was bored, I checked with Calum again and he said it was no problem.

The boys seemed to be in deep discussion with their team so we sat at the couches with Sierra and chatted for a bit before the boys broke off from their group.

"Oh, good news-ish from the social media thing a bit ago!" Sierra said looking like she just remembered,

"I saw a few posts yesterday and it seems basically everything has calmed down, most of the fans think you are just in my friend group, which you are but they don't need to know the rest. There is also a lot of people saying that Calum is allowed to have girls that are friends so if you guys get 'caught' I don't think it will be as big of a deal as before-"

At dinner the other night I had explained to them that Calum and I wanted to keep everything a secret to the public and only wanted people close to us to know and each of them agreed.

"-Obviously there are a few theories going around so just don't interact with anyone talking about that because I've learned from experience so try your best to stay out of the fanbases drama accounts and whatnot," Sierra finished.

I nodded my head and turned to see Luke and Michael walking up to the couches,

"Rhythm sections have to stay a few extra hours this time but we were all going to get food as a band so we are just gonna stay," Michael had spoken to us as he sat down on one of the couches.

"Sounds good!" Sierra replied getting up to hug Luke before realizing something,

"Oh! Haley, I found that dress that we were both looking at onli-" Sierra said rushing over to Haley and sitting down next to her as they chatted. Luke noticed Harlow sitting on my lap and sat down next to me to pet her.

"Hi, Puppy!" He said in a small voice, softly patting her head.

I looked around and observed, Haley and Sierra were at the opposite side of the room in an expressive conversation and Mike was next to them with his earbuds in.

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