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"What did you say your name was?"

"Anthony Evans and yes, I witnessed the kidnapping of Clarissa Isaiah on the on the 19th of November, 2015." Gabriel nodded for him to go on and so, he continued.

"I was on my way back from the cemetery. I never visited my son and that is because he wasn't dead. I visited my wife instead. I told my son not to walk too fast, he was the one that really witnessed what went on that day. Before I could get to my son, one of them was already taking her inside their own car."

"One of them? You said it was only one person that was involved in the kidnapping." Gabriel said to him.

"I said it because that was what he wanted me to say. The other one threatened the life of my son with a neck to his neck. He was the one that told me to lie so I can save the life of my son."

"It could be possible that he was frightened by your presence, do you have any idea why he would be?" Gabriel asked.

"Probably because they didn't wear a mask. I don't think I was supposed to be there. The area was very lonely and the day was very sunny." Tony said.

Gabriel sighed. "You say you were threatened with the life of your 8 year old son, it must have been devastating. I guess you should hold onto him tightly. Have you retrieved him? Where is he now?"

"That man," he paused finding courage. "He told me to meet him up last night. When I went to where he said we should meet up, he wasn't there. It was night and I was so confused as to what to do after that day."

"What are you trying to say Mr. Evans?"

"He's dead, he killed him, that monster killed my son!" Gabriel allowed the man to express his agony for only a short while before continuing.

"I'm really sorry for your loss Mr. Evans." he paused choosing his next words wisely. "You came to us to help you catch the man that murdered your son isn't that right?" Tony nodded. "So, can you give us a detailed description of this man you saw?" Gabriel requested

"Yes...yes..I remember his face."



"Who am I speaking with?" Daniel waited.

"I can say that I am proud of you." A chill went through his spine as he heard the voice make that statement.
"The love of your life and your mother are in harm's way and you are still confident."

"I'm not going to beat around the bush. The paper in the envelope, bring it to me, signed. The venue is written on the envelope."

"Where's she?" Daniel asked with a frown.

"Which of them?" He definitely found amusement in this encounter.

"You know who I'm talking about!"

"But I don't," he laughed when Daniel wouldn't say a word.

"If you want her alive, you'll bring me the papers I left in the envelope signed and keep everyone away when you arrive else, the woman dies." Then he hung up.

Daniel sighed and looked at Darius who was focused on the location app on his computer.

"Did you get him?" Daniel asked hoping for a positive response at least.

Their only affirmation was a sly smile and a gentle nod.

Finally, something.


"Mom," Clarissa called. "When are you going to tell me what is really going on?" Kara leaned upright on the wall.

"Why does he want papers? How do you even know this man?" When Kara didn't answer, Clarissa sighed.

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