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 Becky woke up to a hard naked chest with the blanket covering half of her. She shut her eyes to the morning light once again, hating how she reacted to it.

How much she hated mornings. She groaned and sat up before taking in her surrounding. The place sure smells rich and my God look at that massive television!

She panicked. 'Where the heck was she?' She looked around only to catch the eyes of the man that owned the nice body she slept on. She quickly drew the blanket to her chest to cover up.

"Good morning to you too," She was so busy looking around when she woke up to discover that he had leaned against the head board with his hands behind his head.

"Where the hell am I?" She asked.

"Don't you remember... Last" He tried to make her remember and when he saw her grimace after seconds of thinking, he smirked.

"You were pretty wide last night not that i'm not complaining but-"

"Oh shut up Henry you're gonna to give me a headache!" And just about then, the pound came in her head and he couldn't help but chuckle.

She glared at him. "What's funny?"

Henry shook his head forgetting to take off the smirk he still had on and she rolled her eyes. He reached for something on the night stand and handed the aspirin to her. "Here, I knew you would be needing it."

She looked at him hesitatingly before taking it from him and taking it along side with the glass of water on the night stand.

"You don't look shaken up." She avoided his gaze when she said this already feeling nervous from the look he was giving her.

"I didn't drink much, unlike you." He told her and she nodded. "Let me guess, guy trouble?"

"You know you should mind your business and stick with what you are good at." She snapped.

He raised a brow at her. "And what would that be?"

"How would I know, it's not like I follow you around." She told him and he sighed.

"Hey look, I followed you that day was a one time thing okay," he said. "And I didn't like what I saw, how can you of all people be in an abusive relationship!"

"It was the first time he hit me okay," she retorted.

"First time or not, I've been watching you and it's not like you to just stay quiet."

"And who are you to meddle in my relationship? Like I said what I do, doesn't concern you."

"Off course it does, I can't help who I get attracted to and for your information I do not hit women."

"How does that concern me Henry? For all I care, you'll just be like all of them."

He didn't take it just yet, he locked his lips with her once more not giving her chance to object. How could she think so low of him? She fell flat on the bed allowing him to hook his legs between hers deepening the kiss.

She moved in sync with him replaying the events of last night. But the phone rang to interrupt them and that was when she realised that this man can control her with just his kisses. How could she make the same mistake over again. Was she that stupid?!

She did something her brain didn't even process. Out of reflex, she hit him hard on the face and got away from him immediately.

"Stay far, away from me do you hear me? Don't think this that happened between us will ever repeat itself again. It was just a one time thing and I hope it stays that way."

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