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Darius had now confirmed his doubt. He sighed replaying her conversation the other day.


Having his jacket on his shoulders, Darius walked out of his room. He was a minute late for his shift and so he hurried down the passage. He quickly took out his phone, sending a call to Gabriel to cover up for him. He frowned when he heard a disturbing shriek. Ending the call, he walked further into another corner of the passage, where the noise came from. It was his wife's parents room. He remembered Audora going out to get groceries along with a servant while the office was busy lately. That left Kara and him, then who could she be angry at?


"Jack, I didn't cause her death okay? How would I have known she worked there? Now for your benefits, don't call me ever again, do you hear me?


" Now you listen to me," Kara stated forcefully.

"Stop this madness immediately. My son isn't signing anything over to you." Then nothing, he tried to listen for muffled voice but the silence was eerie.

Who was Jack and what papers did Daniel need to sign? He wanted to knock on the door but decided against it. Hands falling back to his side, he walked away from the door.


"Wait here, I'll be back."

"But where are you going?" Audora asked.

"To confirm your worry. Wait for me and remember not to stress too much for my sake..." he took little hair that fell to her face behind her ear, "and for the sake of the child." She forced a smile watching him leave almost immediately.


Nicholas untied the rope from the bed post.

News travel faster that it should. No body was supposed to give him out till he was done with his need.

Her muffled voice was what he couldn't contain.

"Shut the fuck up!" He literally snapped at her and she flinched. "You need to keep quiet!"

He hurriedly carried her in a bridal style. But this time, there was no comfort, no sweet perfume for her to adapt to, only a sickening one. He placed her foot on the ground when they got outside and when he pulled her forward she slipped but he was quick to grab her roughly. He cursed.

"Can't you get anything right?" He scolded her like a 5-year old child that she wasn't before roughly grabbing her and placing her in the trunk of the van. She grimaced as the little light of the night that she found comfort to, was cut off followed by the echoed noise of the locked door.

She sighed. If they were really on to him like he presumed, She would be happy, very happy because she had given them a chance to at least know that she was very much alive.

She had given her husband hope of finding her.

She vividly recalled ripping her necklace in the process when she faked a slip. She sighed hoping everything will go back to the way it was.



Darius walked out of the room. If his mother-in-law really had something to do with Clarissa's kidnapping then the whole family wouldn't find it funny at all. He wondered how Daniel would feel. He turned, walking into the familiar corner of the room. Just about then, his phone rang.

He cursed before taking out his phone. Gabriel was calling. Must be a lead to something. Staring at the already opened door in front of him, he sighed and walked away from that familiar corner of the passage to answer the call.

"Gabriel, yes?"

"No, it's Daniel,"

Kara took her phone, deleting her conversation with Jack. She picked the document from the bed and placed it in her bag. She looked at the document in her bag for the last time before walking out of the door, down the stairs and away from the house.

"What do you mean you searched the house and you couldn't find anything?" Darius asked with a frown. That was supposed to be their hope. "It was supposed to be where he should be." Darius added.

"Is it locked?" Darius asked and Daniel replied a No.

"Daniel, you need to see this?" Someone said in the background.

"What is that?" Curious to what they found Darius stayed on the line.


"Wait awhile, I'll be there." With that he hung up. When he went to check on Kara, she was gone.

He paused for a while taking a better look at the room, he perceived her sumptuous perfume that she always wore out. Then he knew, she was in a while ago, and it hasn't been long since she left.


Darius hurried away from his car down to meet Daniel half way.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have left you alone." Daniel shook his head and replied.

"You needed a break besides, you've helped me well enough and I don't know how I'll repay you." They stopped walking and Darius turned to him.

"You don't have to, we're family and we do anything for family isn't that right?" Daniel forced a smile to put on an act but Darius very well knew that, he was far from happy. He would feel the same if someone had taken Audora away from him. Maybe even worse.

And worst of all, Daniel was doing a bad job at hiding it. Darius walked away from him leaving Daniel to trail after him as he answered a phone call from Austin, he was probably worried too. He kneeled to observe the foot print that resembled that of sneakers.

"Footprints?" Darius frowned. "That means, he was here. What do you think Gabriel?"

"Probably, recently," Gabriel answered.

"Could it be, yesterday?" Daniel asked.

"I can't say for sure but it does look like it was yesterday." Gabriel told them.

"We missed them." Darius concluded and Daniel groaned walking away from them to keep his cool.

The air of the morning swept against his head. The yard was filled with the police, Nicholas wouldn't have gotten away if he was still here. No matter what, he swore to rescue his wife at all costs.

"Hey!" Their attention darted to a police officer as he bent down to pick something from the ground. "Is this hers?" Daniel's eyes constricted as he stared from afar but when he got close enough to observe, his eyes widened. Then he cursed.

"It's hers!"

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