An Apple A Day

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"There is something very off about Montgomery."

"You're probably making him nervous by staring at him."

Nyx scowled at Jayson across the dining table, swatting at his hand as he went for her crisps. "That's not what I mean."

After she'd recovered, her friends had eventually managed to coax her down for lunch; citing how sugar was great and all but she probably needed some proper carbs and protein before any of them felt comfortable leaving her to her own devices.
She could see Doctor Montgomery across the room, surveying the cafeteria; strolling almost like a gentleman of leisure with his cane. 

Ronnie snorted, waving in greeting to Katherine by the door before turning her attention back to the table and her lunch. "To be fair, can you name one normal doctor in this place?"

"They're madder than we are." Perry joked. "Would have to be, to want to work here."

"Montgomery is odd though." Nyx insisted. "Like... what age is he?"

"I don't know." Ronnie shrugged. "Old?"

"He's not that old." Perry said.

"He's been here a long time." Jayson threw out.

"Right, see? Exactly." Nyx put her hands down matter-of-factly on the tabletop. "He hides up in his office." Where somebody died. "Working exceedingly late into the night. Walks the halls after dark. He always seems to know what's going on- he's always the first on the scene. I've seen strange marks on his arm. He uses that cane inconsistently. He's outright rude to the other staff, particularly Doctor Johnson. He makes me angry almost every time I speak to him; he knows what buttons to push. And-" She realised, eyes going wide. "He was the last to bring up my family before... the encounter."

She unscrewed her drink bottle, chugging the contents thirstily as she finished her outpouring.

Jayson quirked an eyebrow. "So what, you think he is the creature, or that he's working with the creature or something?"

"I don't know." Nyx replaced her drink and picking her apple up off her tray. "But I bet we can find out." She said, taking a bite.

So, what are your thoughts and theories on Doctor Montgomery? Put them in the comments! Can be as crazy as you like, I don't mind XD

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