Blood in the Cut

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It was Luci.

It was Luci- but a more monstrous, more twisted, more demonic Luci, darkness creeping in at her eyes and venom glinting off her teeth.

Under her gaze, Nyx felt like she was back at that night once more; she could almost feel it, could feel it in the scar that slashed her abdomen; could feel the blade of the knife going in, could feel the gush of blood through her fingers as she desperately clutched her middle, could near see the splash of rich red spreading across her skin. Her breath was leaving her- she could feel it leaving her!- as she grew cold, as the strength left her and she crumpled, a desperate plea on her lips, as they all looked on; gasping for life as she felt it pulse away through her weakening hands.

Face pulled hideously into a wide and hungry smile, the demonic Luci drew Nyx in close; enfolding her in a cocoon of darkness, cutting out the rest of the world. Nyx trembled in pure terror as she looked upon her nightmare, upon the face of her death before her- the one who took it all, the one who could take more, and nothing in that moment felt more real or all encompassing; shackling her heart, mind and soul in fear that the monstrous figure tasted with glee.

And then something else bloomed in Nyx's chest; something dark and poisonous rising to meet it, racing through her blood like a pulse.

I hate you.

I hate you!


And Nyx saw red. In a moment, she lunged- and felt the sick crunch of bone between her teeth.

Whoo! So what do you think of THAT one! Believe it or not, I've been waiting excitedly a long time to do this one! But I realised it might actually become relevant soon in Reflections of Angels, so figured I needed to get it done before I progress.
Please leave your reactions, and remember to hit like! Thank you. XD

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