In Theory

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"-Okay, so think about it." Nyx said, holding Perry's arm as she lead them through the halls, the other two following close at their heels. "What if the creature speaks in such a way- or at such a low frequency- that unless you're the one it's directly talking to, when you're nearby your brain just processes it as background noise, and that's why nobody notices? Except for Perry- Perry's brain, whilst hearing it as background noise, processes it as a colour. Which means-" She lowered her voice slightly as she pushed open the door to the dining hall, allowing them all inside. "-we could find out where it is, and who it's targeting."

"In theory." Jayson added as he hurried to catch up to her as they joined the line for food; something which quickly had become his catchphrase following Nyx's epiphany. "You don't actually know for sure if it works. Or if it's that precise. I mean... Perry sees green light and tastes apple when it thunders."

"Thanks dude. The dismissive attitude is great and totally not insulting." Perry snarked. "This is why I don't tell you shit."

"Sorry." He shrugged, giving them a look that said 'I'm right though.' "But you're... what? Going to search every inch of this place until you see grey smoke?"

"Well, no theories shall be proved until we try."  Nyx declared, picking up a tray and selecting a sandwich and drink before making a beeline to their usual table. "So, Perry, do you see anything at the moment?"

"It's actually very noisy in here, which makes it quite difficult." Perry grimaced before making a start on their own food. "We'll try later."

"Yeah, I think you need to think about this some more." Jayson said, taking the seat on her other side.

"Jayson." Nyx spoke calmly. "Chill. Your poker face is shit. You're attracting looks."

They continued with their lunch in a mild manner, eating and chatting about this and that. The food was the same meagre pre-packaged fair; the kitchen was still sealed off and any move being made to reopen seemed to be taking some time. It unsettled Nyx to think about that demon that had been hanging around in there; really, who could say what was lurking around the corners of this place?

"She looks really upset." Ronnie commented suddenly, attracting Nyx's attention. Turning her head, she looked the way Ronnie was looking and saw Katherine, sitting alone at a table in the corner, eating her lunch with a sad, faraway look in her eyes.

"Maybe we should invite her over." Nyx suggested.

Ronnie looked at her, a questioning expression in her eyes. "Do you think we should? Do you think she'd want to come sit with us?"

"Sure, why not?" Nyx shrugged. "You don't know until you try. Why don't you go over there and ask-" She jumped violently as Perry grabbed her arm.

"Doctor Hannan."

"What about her?" Nyx furrowed her brow in confusion, looking around; her eyes settling on the female doctor a short distance away, crossing between the tables.

"She's got a grey haze. It's following her."

"Really?" Ronnie was bewildered. "But she doesn't seem down at all! She's-"

"-On 'Happy pills'?" Perry said sharply, slowly standing to get a better look, eyes trained on the woman. "Everyone says it. Maybe there's a reason for that."

Nyx rose to her feet also, pushing back her chair as Doctor Hannan headed towards the door. "Hey, what are you doing?" Jayson queried.

"I'm going to follow her." Nyx said, squeezing her way along to the end of the table. "Come on Perry, I want to know what happens."

"Wait, hang on, you can't just-" Jayson started to object, standing up from his own chair to follow after them both.

"Hey, guys! You can't just leave!" Ronnie called out, suddenly finding herself sitting at the table alone. Irritated, she groaned, fighting the urge to bash her head against the table in frustration; picking up her sandwich and taking a large bite, chewing it furiously.
Then, putting it down again, she picked up her tray and rose from the table to walk across the hall- over to where Katherine sat. "Hey..."

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