Knock Knock

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"Where are we going?" Ronnie asked Nyx worriedly as she chased the dark haired girl, who was walking through the building with determined steps. Perry flanked them on the other side and Katherine was curiously bringing up the rear. After Jayson has left for the day, Nyx had turned to the rest of the table and told them to skive and to come with her.

"Hideout." Nyx said simply. "We're going to do another seance."

Ronnie and Perry looked panicked at one another and sped up after her.

Once in the hideout, Nyx began sifting through the mess, putting the pieces of the makeshift Ouija board together best she could remember. "How does the thing go-?"

"You can't!" Ronnie burst out. "Do you remember what happened last time?"

"Yes. It worked."

Perry snorted. "Well if you're looking to put a really positive spin on it..."

"It worked almost too well." Nyx insisted. "And so our enemy had to interfere." She smiled, something mad glinting in her eyes. "But one of these creatures is supposedly on our side. And it knows a hell of a lot more about what's going on than we do. So why don't we talk to it?"

"No! That's crazy! Are you looking to die? We barely got away last time!"

"Yeah, this thing is no joke." Katherine supplied, her tail flicking defensively.

"Perry, tell her it's a crazy idea!"

But Perry didn't. Instead, Perry groaned, agitatedly rubbing the back of their neck, visibly chewing over something in their mind. "Well... It's not that crazy..." They saw the looks they were getting and continued. "I have summoned demons before, when I needed something." They shrugged and gestured to Nyx's project on the floor. "I mean, this is a lot less serious than the incident I'm in here for."

Ronnie blinked at her friend. "Has everyone here gone absolutely mad?"

"I don't think this is the building you should be throwing that word around in." Perry said pointedly.

Nyx shrugged and turned back to her work on the makeshift Ouija board. "I'm either going to do this with you, or I'm going to do it without you." She said. "But I am doing this."

Ronnie worried her lip, her mind torn in half about what to do. And then decisively, she sat down on the floor beside Nyx. "No way am I letting you do this by yourself. That's way too dangerous."

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