The Situation

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Travis awoke in the early hours of the morning to Declan blowing up his phone with calls. Practically falling from the bed as he threw himself across blindly to grab it and make the accursed chiming stop, he swiped sleep from his eyes with the back of his hand as he answered. "Yeah?"

"Travis, bit of a situation." Dec sounded harried on the other end of the phone; Travis could almost picture him perfectly, the frustration lined across his face, the fingers being dragged repeatedly through his long, midnight hair. "There's been an incident at the hospital. Half the building has blown out; most of the patients have escaped. I'm trying to contain some of it, but it's pretty much a question of when not if the Nephilim show up, and I'm perfectly willing to abandon the situation to them."

Travis was suddenly wide awake in alarm. "Nyx?!"

"We haven't found her yet. Which could be a good thing, in a way- if she's not here, she's likely unharmed, just missing. Heck, she might be headed to you guys now, keep an eye out- that's the best case scenario."

"Yep, yep. I'm on it." Travis began fumbling around in the dark, searching for some clothes to chuck on instead of just his shorts and ratty t-shirt. "Let's hope so. I'll get Nick, he'll be up... somewhere..."

"Good man." Dec approved. "Say hi to handsome Nicky for me. ... Travis? There's something else I think you should know."

A pit dropped in Travis'stomach. "What?"

"Some of the residents of solitary also got loose. Your mum and her crazy cult leader got out."

... And I'm done! Yay me! Hope you enjoyed! The story from here picks back up in the main series- where hopefully some things have become more clear! (And some more intriguing...) Thanks for sticking with this!

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