The Good Doctor

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"-I don't have anger issues, thank you very much!"

The young doctor in front of her eyed her nervously, seeming to stutter a little as he fingered through his notes, visibly wilting under Nyx's hard gaze. "I was just saying..."

"Doctor Johnson, you're not having a very good track record with patients today." This came from a silver-haired doctor observing from the back of the room; he seemed to be the senior one here, supervising and training the younger. "How about I take over from here, finish up for you?"

"I can manage..."

"Let me rephrase. I'm going to take over before you start an argument with another patient."

Nyx repressed a laugh as she watched this exchange in utter disbelief; this was an absolute train wreck.

The silver-haired doctor smiled apologetically as he replaced Doctor Johnson on the sofa in front of her; the younger doctor scurrying away quickly, shaking like a leaf. "My apologies, we've been having some... difficulties today. Teething issues... Staff shortages..." He trailed off, irritation plain on his face as he skimmed over the previous notes, muttering under his breath. "How he graduated top of his class is beyond me... Well, his notes seem complete, anyway."

Jostling the paper back into a neat pile again, he smiled kindly at her. "Hello, Miss L'Ange, my name is Doctor Montgomery. How are you feeling today?"


He nodded, smiling humorously. "Understandable. But I'm sure you'll settle in; this place is very nice once you get used to it. And of course, I'm here if you have any issues, if you need to talk..."

Nyx nodded.

"Excellent. We'll work out the rest in the next few sessions, I think." He said, satisfied.

Nyx blinked in surprise. "Well... That was quick."

"It really wasn't when you factor in my colleague's contribution." He chuckled. "And I don't think either of us want to drag it out longer. So unless you have something you want to discuss, we could head out?"

"Uh, actually... I do have a question. It's not a... Psychiatry question, it's a general one about the place. What's with all the strange noises at night?"

Montgomery quirked his head curiously, intelligence twinkling in his eyes. "Strange noises? Like what?"

"Like... Banging doors, and footsteps, and... Whispering."

The doctor sighed, shaking his head. "And let me guess, this happened after some other patients here regaled you with a certain spooky story. Yes, I am aware of the rumours that go around here."

Nyx's look said everything.

"I thought so." The Doctor said. "Look, you have every right to be cautious in a new place; I'd even encourage it to a certain extent. But, at the same time, you can't get wrapped up in half-baked rumours. Often, they have a habit of distracting you from what's really important. Do you understand me?"

His grey eyes were penetrating her own, holding her in rapture at his words; trying to communicate something to her, something of the utmost importance.

Trying to unpick what he said in her mind, she nodded, slowly.

He smiled."Excellent. Now, do you have any more questions for me? My door is open almost any time, just let me know."

"Thank you." Nyx replied, looking down shyly as she proceeded to rise from the low couch. The room was very small cramped, and it annoyed her as she tried to manoeuvre around the table in the centre to get to the door. God, she hated this teeny room. Why did doctors never have big offices?

Sliding past the armrest of the chair, she caught her foot on the soft fabric bear her feet and tripped; catching herself on the ledge of the window behind the sofa.

'-Glass; shards of glass were falling like rain, glittering in the pale moonlight; as the blonde haired woman fell down, face frozen in a yell as she tumbled through the dark night air-'

"Oh, are you alright?" Montgomery had leapt to his feet, standing besides her with an expression of concern. "Looked like you stunned yourself a bit."

Nyx blinked, shaking her head; adrenaline coursing through her veins at what she'd seen. "Yeah... No... I'm fine, I think I just freaked myself out."

"If you're sure..."

Nyx wasn't sure. She'd been so good recently, so in control; and then suddenly this one had just broken through, in a moment of weakness. Taking a breath, she steadied herself. "I'm alright now, thank you."

"Okay." He said. "Just be careful how you go now. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen."

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