Face To Face

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"You're an intriguing thing, aren't you?"

Fear seized Nyx's spine, turning her to ice; frozen, she didn't dare move, barely dared to blink as she felt the creature draw close behind her, her hair standing up on end as its breath brushed the back of her neck.

"I was not expecting you." Its darkness seemed to surround her, absorbing her into its aura; the dark smoke of its being swelling to fill the room.
"You're a curious girl- even now you're curious." It was true, she was curious; but fear overwhelmed it all, even as Nyx realised that was perhaps the worst thing she could do in this situation, be afraid. "But I think I have you figured out; even if you do not."
Its tendrils, she could feel them, touching her temples, reaching inside her mind...
"Poor, lonely girl with no one here to turn to; no one here for you.
So much potential, yet aren't enough of any one thing to fit in anywhere. I understand..."

Swallowing down her fear, a seed of anger had taken root in Nyx's chest at the creatures words; mustering all her courage, she forced the rasping words from her dry throat. "What are you?"

The creature chuckled low in its throat. "Why, I'm anything you want me to be."
Nyx sensed a ripple of power behind her; and suddenly a hand touched her shoulder. "Look."
Against perhaps her better judgement, Nyx looked.

"... Mum?"

It was Rachel, her mum; but like she used to be, well and unhurt and without pain, standing tall with ease. Nyx almost couldn't believe it, drinking the image in in all its glory- her mum with her signature short red hair, dressed in one of her cozy sweaters, her smile practically glowing with warmth and life as she opened her arms in invitation. Nyx wanted to go to her, to hug her, to hold her and to never let go. She'd missed her so much.

And then Nyx saw the eyes; and realised why she couldn't believe it. This was not her Mum.

The woman lowered her arms when Nyx made no move to respond. She wore a carefree smile, clearly changing tack as it became evident her ruse hadn't lasted. "No fear, I mean you no real harm; unless you decide to keep getting in my way." She chuckled at herself, the mask she was wearing seeming to be coming apart around her, growing more and more inhuman by the second as darkness leeches from her eyes. She laughed gruesomely at the wary look Nyx was giving her.
"I've seen you, scurrying around with your little friends. Pretending to be so well behaved when really you're anything but. I enjoy the games we play. But you're nowhere near to the truth; there are more secrets here than you could imagine. Why, even now, there are those here that conspire against you."
The demon blinked slowly, one eyelid after the other, smiling sweetly all the while. "I could help you with that."

Nyx's confidence was building moment by moment, rising on a ladder of her growing anger. "What do you mean by that? Help me? All you've done is talk riddles and torment me and my friends! Why would I trust your help? Why would you want to help me?"

"I'll help you and you'll help me." The demon replied. "And then the way I see it, we can do whatever. we. want." The darkness flickered, and Nyx could see black tentacles protruding like spider-legs from the demon-woman's back, a true glimpse of the hideous eldritch creature beneath; making the human veneer it wore look even more limp and doll-like.

Nyx's expression was one of confusion and disgust, her voice even more so. "How could I help you?"

The monster chuckled. "My masters think I'll remain a pet, but I have other plans. It wouldn't take much on your part- just a simple push. Or something more creative if you'd prefer. I'm bored and there's a whole world out there waiting for me- I want to play and gorge and GROW. The chaos I cause now when I'm not yet fully grown; it'd be nothing compared to what I could do then.
You could even keep your friends if you really wanted. "

Nyx forcefully recoiled as the demon reached a dissolving hand towards her. "No!" She spat venomously. "I will not help you! You hurt innocent people-"

"They were weak." Finally the creatures physical form came; the shape that had once been a poor imitation of Rachel breaking apart into dark mist.

"Well I am strong, and I say no! No more!"

Nyx expected the creature to lash out, either physically or mentally, to take out its rage on her for daring to refuse. She'd flinched away as she'd finished her words, prepared to take the attack.

It never came.

The demon sighed disappointedly, its bodiless voice coming out from the dark. "If that's what you've decided. Shame. You're the most interesting thing to happen here in a long while. I'd have liked you to be on my side. I'll be here if you change your mind. But remember, this is our secret."

And then the door swung open with a click.

She needed no second bidding. Nyx ran back to her room, uncaring if anyone saw, her heart pounding with the fear she'd been holding back for half their interaction. Tears prickled her eyes, bile rose on her throat; her stomach churned as sobs escaped her lips. She felt sick, she felt scared, she ran like the wind; until finally she collapsed onto her bed.

Not quite how I initially imagined it, but I guess that's what I get for procrastinating on writing it. Figured I better get it done now, before I lost both my gist and my audience XD
Sorry for the wait, its been really hot here and so quite distracting.

Also, this song totally screams eldritch horror monster to me. XD
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