A Pinch Of Salt

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A/N: Contains slight mention of suicide (Just assume this goes for the whole book by now, just in case.)

"-What type of sandwich are they claiming this is?" Nyx asked, pulling apart the slices of bread to examine what was inside.

"That would be 'lunch meat'" Ronnie replied, making quotation signs with her hands. "So it could be anything. Probably the cheapest scrag-ends of whatever."

"Lunch meat." Perry repeated in disgust. "Even the word tastes disgusting. Oh well, here goes nothing." Picking up the sandwich, Perry took a bite; chewing carefully.

"Well...?" Ronnie encouraged after a pause. "What's it taste like?"

With a disapproving wrinkle of the nose, Perry tossed the sandwich back on the plate. "Salt. Everything's always so salty. Who's doing the cooking in there, the Duchess of Wonderland?"

"Maybe they're trying to poison us?" Ronnie suggested. "Sodium poisoning. Wouldn't put it past them."

"Who's poisoning who?"

A man had appeared behind Ronnie; reaching over her shoulder and picking up her bowl of pudding to take a spoonful. He stopped mid-chew, gesturing at the bowl with the spoon. "Okay, I kind of get it with the meat, the chips, and even the eggs; but why is the dessert salty?"

"Because poison." Perry said flatly. "Weren't you listening?"

"Oh, ha ha." The man said, snagging Perry's cookie up off his tray and taking a bite. "Good news, the cookies are alright."

"Good. You can go get me another one then."

"Sorry, Per, there doesn't seem to be any left."

Perry grinned. "Sucks to be you then, because you owe me now."

"Be nice to Jayson, Perry." Ronnie scolded. "He's been in solitary."

"Oh good. Can he pop back up there and tell them to turn down the wild rave parties?"

"Are you talking about the banging noises from upstairs?" Nyx blurted out without really thinking.

Perry's eyes rolled. "Duh."

"What actually is all that about?" Nyx asked. "Do you know?"

Perry quirked an eyebrow. "My bet? Their security is shit. One of the nutcases clearly went for a midnight stroll."

"It could be the Whisperer." Ronnie said.

"The Door-slammer, more like." Perry replied sarcastically.

Ronnie frowned. "It's not just a story you know."

"People die all the time, Ron. Not going to lie, this isn't exactly the most healthy environment; monster or not. A few patients off themselves, and people string the 'disappearances' together trying to find a connection."

Nyx looked thoughtful. "Has anyone ever jumped out of a window?"

Ronnie choked on her drink. "Jesus! That's the second time today! Stop it, or I'll smack some sense into you. I will."

"I'm not considering it!" Nyx half-yelled. "I'm just curious!"

"You could check the records room." Jayson said. "They'd have it there, if it had happened."

"Really?" Nyx asked. "Where's that?"

Smiling slightly, he pointed up.

Nyx huffed in annoyance. Up was solitary, and other closed off areas. "Damn. I'll think of something else then."

"I mean, you could find a way to break in up there..." He started, still smiling.

Nyx chewed her lip thoughtfully; then something struck her. "Are we allowed outside?"

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