Night Sounds

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Nyx hated her room in the hospital. Alright, so it wasn't the stereotypical padded cell she'd been afraid it would be; however, it was pretty bare, the sterile white shade of the walls and floor making it look even more empty.

The furniture was sparse; one bed, sheets made up with military-precise edges, one table and one chair both bolted to the floor, one small cupboard and a set of bare shelves. A small window was positioned high up on the wall above head of the bed, covered with a simple curtain.
She figured it would probably look better once she filled it with her own stuff, but she didn't want to. That would be like admitting she belonged here; that this room was hers, rather than just a place she happened to be staying.

She didn't like it. She liked it even less now it was dark.

What, was she just supposed to peacefully go to sleep in a random place she definitely did not feel comfortable in? Hell no; she was already afraid of the dark!

Huffing irritably, she flopped back on the bed; debating the childish urge to mess up the impeccable bedclothes just for the heck of it. Or maybe punch the wall. Although that would hurt. And draw unwanted attention to herself when she was trying to prove a point that nothing was wrong.

She felt very alone. Laying in the dark, she could practically feel the nightmares creeping back in every time she closed her eyes.

A loud bang broke her from her thoughts; making her react first with fear, then confusion.

Curiously, she sat up; propping herself up with her hands.

What was that?

She waited, listening. Nothing. She shrugged it off. It was probably just that- nothing. And ordinary noise, made extraordinary by the silence around her.

Stupid dumb hospital.

And then it came again; and again, and again.

What was that? Where was it coming from? Somewhere, outside her room; echoing down the halls, louder and louder, closer and closer; then footsteps, many footsteps, running and Oh God it was above her! She could hear it- them?- on the floor above, and... What was on the floor above? What was going on?

And then, it stopped. Dead silence.

One, two, three... She released the breath she didn't know she was holding. Whatever it was seemed to have stopped now; although that had definitely sealed the deal on not sleeping now, that was for sure.

And that's when the whispering started.

A soft, unintelligible mumble; seeping through the ceiling like smoke, it seemed to cling to the surface. Above her in the dark, the ceiling seemed to ripple, just for a second; like a strange viscous presence was moving about above her.

What was that?!

Petrified, Nyx drew her knees up to her chin, wrapping her arms protectively around her legs. Goosebumps pricked on her arms; unprotected by the short, capped sleeves of her thin nightdress. The air grew cold around her.

With a squeak, Nyx broke the strange hypnosis freezing her to the spot; diving flat against the mattress and pulling the pillow over her head to block it out.
Suddenly, Ronnie's words drifted through her mind, chilling her to her core. '... Smile, or the Whisperer will get you...'


Something slammed violently; echoing like thunder through the halls, shattering the spell.

Her ears rang; a tinging metallic sound, and she tasted iron on her tongue. Carefully, she peeped out from under the pillow.
The night around her seemed still and silent.

Cautiously, not trusting the seemingly returned calm; and sat up, looking around in bewilderment.

What was going on here?! Damn Ronnie and her ghost stories! She didn't need whispers, she needed answers!
She wasn't smiling; she was fuming. Angry at this place, angry at Declan for sending her here, angry at Luci, angry at the goddamn universe!

"Arrrgh!" She yelled in frustration to no one, shaking her fists and kicking her legs in a sudden burn of energy. Once it was gone, she sat in the mess of bedding, panting hard as she stared sadly at the blank walls.

Then she felt a presence settle behind her; out of her vision, but she could sense it like a gravitational pull. Her breath stilled in her throat. A soft, musical voice whispered in her ear; "All patients should be in bed by eight o'clock."

And then... Nothing. Nyx's mind went blank.

Okay, so I may need some practice writing spooky 'hauntings'. Hopefully you got the gist though XD
Hope you like the story so far!

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