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Amelia took off her apron and strode into the kitchen. She put down the cloth and shouldered her purse. As she turned to leave, she bumped into a wall. THAT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE, she thought. 

She looked up to find probably one of the most overbearing people in the whole world, handsome as he was.

 Theo glared at her, his arms crossed over his chest. "I thought i told you not to work alone when it's dark out." he glared. "Well Sheila had to go and there were only ten minutes left till closing, besides your'e not my dad." she replied, rolling her eyes as she tried to step around him. The man who thought his word was law, was Theodore Warsaw, the owner of the cafe that she worked in. He was also the reason she was always so angry, jerks aren't supposed to be this good looking. His irises were both a different color, his right one green and left one grey. he stood at 6'2 and had a perfect five o' clock shadow brushing across his jawline . He was also a part of the motorcycle club that owned half of Texas, so she had no idea why he owned a coffee shop.

"A Lot can happen in ten minutes." he said, coming closer to her. She took one step back and he took one step forward, this went on until she was pressed up against the wall and he was standing a hair's breadth away from her, his hands on either side of her head. 

She felt heat climb up her neck as he raised her head to look him in the eye, which wasn't easy since he was a lot taller than her. He leaned down until his lips almost touched hers. He was gonna kiss her, she blushed a deeper shade of red, if that was even possible. Suddenly her phone rang, surprising them both. He pulled back a little bit, and she quickly reached for her phone. 

She answered the call and raised the phone to her ear. "Hello?" she said, running out of breath a little. "Hey man, what were you doing? Why do you sound so out of breath?'' Amelia's best friend Mikayla asked from the other end of the line. Taking this as her chance to get away, she slipped out from under his arm that was still on the wall and made her escape. She quickly walked out, frantically talking into the phone. 

She calmed down once she was almost a block away. She let out a breath and closed her eyes. Suddenly a voice blared from the phone, "Amelia answer me!" she cringed as she pulled the phone away from her ear. She brought it back to her ear. ''umm, so i was leaving the store and right as i was about to leave i bumped into Theo and like he sort of scolded me for working alone when it's dark outside then i said something and he said something and then suddenly i was up against the wall and he was about to kiss me then you called." she said, all in one breath. 

There was complete silence on the other end. Finally a small voice asked, "Did you want it?" "i- n- I don't know, okay. It's just- I was blushing a lot and I-I guess? Maybe? yes..." Amelia ranted.

 "An answer is all i'm asking for.." Mikayla said. "okay all right, yes, yes i did want it." Amelia admitted. "How the fuck have you not told me you have a god fucking damn crush!" Mickey yelled into the phone." " i didnt- i mean- Ugh, can you just sleep over at my house tonight?" Amelia pleaded. "What about your brother?" Mickey asked.

 "He's gone camping with a few friends and shouldn't be back until tomorrow or day after." "well i'm gonna be there in 15 minutes and you better be prepared for an ass whooping 'cause this bitch is hella mad." Mikayla replied, cutting the call. She stood under a street lamp for a few minutes before setting off on the path back home, her mind still fully occupied with thoughts of Theo.

Amelia panted as she opened her door and walked into her apartment that she shared with her brother. The walk had been sort of long then at one point a dog had started to chase her so she had run a block which resulted in her legs turning to jelly. She entered the living room, dropped her purse on the floor, and then collapsed onto the couch, face-first. 

"Oh god what happened?" came a voice from the kitchen. "Ms Patterson's dog chased me cause he thought I had snacks for him again." she said, her voice getting muffled by the pillow. Mikayla burst out laughing, Amelia threw a pillow at her, not raising her head from where it was buried in the couch.

Mick covered her face but continued laughing. Amelia finally sat up and tried to glare at Mickey but failed to remain serious, and ended up cracking a grin.

Mickey wiped her hands off with a towel as she said "so, the pizza is on its way, the movies have been downloaded and you're gonna help me turn the couch into a bed." Amelia smiled and got up. She went over and hugged MIkayla, then whispered, "thanks Mickey." 

 Amelia let go of Mikayla, then ran upstairs to get changed. 

She then gathered five blankets and about 8-10 pillows because every time they did something like this, they always built a whole damn fort on the couch. 

By the time she had gotten downstairs, Mikayla had already taken apart the couches and laid the foundations of the fort. Within the next five minutes, they had built a magnificent fort using the individual parts of the couch. 

Mickey unplugged the tv and moved it from its post on the table in front of the couch, to the special place they had reserved for it inside the humongous blanket fort which they had thankfully built near a socket. Amelia plugged in an extension and then wired in the tv. She got her laptop and both their phones from the dining table while Mick raided the kitchen.

 Just as they were about to settle in, the doorbell rang. Amelia rushed to open it, money in her hand. She opened the door, took the pizza, paid the pizza guy, then rushed back into the living room.

She kept the pizza down and got ready to sit down herself, but then she remembered something. Sha smacked her forehead and Mick asked, "what?" "the lights!" she said, rushing back up the stairs and into her room.

 She took out the fairy lights and ran back down the stairs. She tucked the lights into every corner of the fort before connecting it to the extension socket. She finally sat down and Mikayla played the movie. And so, they spent the rest of the night talking about their past, watching movies, talking about guys, and stuffing their faces with whatever food they could find.

  :)heyy, this is the author. so this was the first chapter of my book, constructive criticism is welcome and please do correct any grammatical errors in the comments. Also if you see the name Ally instead of Amelia anywhere please just ignore it coz half way thru i decided to change her name so i had to redo the whole thing. and about the capital letter thing, uh just ignore it... coz sometimes i get a little too lazy to care about that. sorry.

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