"Enough of this," Randel growled. "No one is changing here. Let's get get back to business. You say you want to work together to find the treasure. Why shouldn't I steal your dragons and find it for myself?"

"You wouldn't dare try," Hiccup said with narrowed eyes, moving in front of the Fury family protectively. "Or else you will find out just how united we truly are."

Randel frowned. "If you want a battle-"

"We don't," I said. "That's the point. We don't want anyone on our side or yours to get hurt. You may not care about that, but you must care that you cannot guarantee a victory. Even if there's a slight chance you'll lose, isn't it better to be assured you'll have some part of the treasure by working with us?"

Randel looked around at all of our allies, scrutinizing our faces. Finally, he looked at Cason, who bit his lip and shifted nervously. "Fine. We will do it your way for now, but you need to limit the number of Vikings and dragons that join you."

"Well, since this is based on tribes, how about an even number of Vikings per tribe?" I suggested.

Randel nodded. "Make it three per tribe. And one riding dragon per Viking, not counting those." He pointed at the Night Lights.

"Alright, leaders, choose your two Vikings."

"You and Heather will be with me," Dagur said.

"I'll choose Astrid and Skulder," said Hiccup.

"Viggo and Eret may come with me," said Nikora.

"Toki and Cason will join me," Randel declared.

Harald frowned. "Shouldn't I be with your group?"

Randel shook his head. "You're not part of any group. You have ties to all four tribes, right? You descended from two and have lived with the other two. Plus, you are the rightful keeper of the map."

"I'm glad you finally acknowledge that."

"So, to prevent fighting, you will lead us. Come here. Toki, give me the map."

Toki narrowed his eyes at him. "Are you certain this is a good idea? If you give him the map, he could immediately run while the others attack."

Randel fixed his gaze on Harald as he approached him. He stared deep into his eyes for a long moment. "He won't."

Toki did not appear convinced. "How do you know?"

"I just know! I know him. He's never looked at me that way before. It means something." He cleared his throat. "The map, Toki. Unless you wish to dispute my authority." Toki grumbled but handed the map over to Randel, who gave it to Harald. "The eclipse will activate the map, right?"

"Yes," said Harald. He glanced up at the darkening sky where only a sliver of sun was visible. "We may need a Night Light to start the process. Ruffrunner, come here, please."

"Go ahead," Hiccup said gently, nudging the Night Light along. Ruffrunner scampered over to Harald and looked up at him expectantly.

Harald smiled at him. "Can I have a little fire?" He lowered the map, and Ruffrunner blew fire into the hole. The map slowly opened and lay flat in his palms. "Now we wait for totality."

Randel held up his hand when Toki moved closer. "Don't crowd him. I alone shall observe." He paused. "And one from the other side." His eyes fell one me, and I took this as my cue to move forward.

I stood beside Harald, brushing my arm against his. I tried to read Randel's eyes, but there were too many emotions to decipher. He did seem particularly interested in me, looking from my pirate bandana to the red necklace Harald had given me. I wished there was a way to get him to voice his thoughts, but this was not the time. So, we waited in silence.

Heart of a Berserker: Love (School of Dragons)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin