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I watched as Andy slurped what the nurses were trying to pass as soup but to me looked more like a gloopy mess.


I screwed my face up. "How can you eat that?"

He just shrugged and stirred the soup, scooping up some questionable chunks before dropping them back into the liquid.

"More importantly," he wiggled his eyebrows at me, "did you die seeing your heroes live and in the flesh?"

"Wow And, I'm amazed you held that in for..." I looked at my wrist as if I were wearing a watch, "all of 30 seconds," I shot back.

He snickered, dropping his spoon into his bowl of soup. I guess he decided to give up on it too, placing his mostly full bowl next to the one I had left on his bedside table. He started rummaging under his mattress before pulling out a packet of biscuits.

I chucked a pillow at him, groaning, before falling back onto his bed.

"And to think I was going to offer you one," he shook his head and then stuffed his mouth with two biscuits at once, crumbs falling all over his pillow.

"If I didn't think you were gay before, I certainly would now after watching that," I teased, reaching over to snatch the packet from him.


"What?" I asked innocently. I handed him the packet back once I took a biscuit, mentally thanking whichever one of Andy's friends that brought them here.

We weren't technically allowed to hang out in each other's rooms during lunch, especially when we were meant to be eating in the dining room. However, And and I knew when to pick our moments. We had one of the better nurses on today, and Andy had a way with charming her, so she let things slide with us.

The added bonus of that was Andy had friends that would smuggle him snacks which he kept stashed all over his room. One of the many perks of being his friend was that it meant I had access to said snacks.

"It was actually amazing," I sighed, getting back to his question. He already knew my answer but he just wanted to hear me say it so he could hold it against me. "Honestly at first I thought I was like hallucinating the whole thing. It felt like a dream."

Andy continued to make faces at me.

"Dude if the people who you owe your life to strolled on in here unannounced like it was no biggie, while proceeding to serenade you, talk to you, and y'know acknowledge your existence, especially when there are people out there who would pay for that, you would feel how I'm feeling." I crossed my arms in protest.

"And that's still not even the best part. I didn't get a chance to tell yo-"

"Ooo what happened? Tell me!" Andy cut me off, his head snapping in my direction as he sat up quickly. The entire bed frame shook from his sudden movement.

"I would if you didn't cut me off," I retorted.

"Sorry, sorry, you know me and gossip," he winked, waving his hands around.

I rolled my eyes and began filling Andy in on Frank overhearing me playing before they started and the conversation we had.

"He was so sweet. It was weird though, I felt like I could trust him completely. Is that weird? I mean, maybe its because he's part of the band that literally keeps me alive, but I felt like I had never been more safe in my entire life. No offence to you or anything," I grinned at him, failing to dodge the pillow he sent flying my way.

Someone Out There Loves You (Adopted by Frank Iero)Where stories live. Discover now