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Biting my lip, I stood in front of the mirror in my room, staring at my reflection. I was starting school in a few days, and in my last remaining days of freedom, Frank decided to get back to teaching me songs on guitar. We still had a few more to learn off The Black Parade before we could start Revenge. He hadn't forgotten his promise.

Since we were heading down to the basement and were probably going to be up and about while we played and it would inevitably get stuffy, I decided to change into something more comfortable and temperature appropriate.

It really wasn't a big deal. I didn't know why I was overthinking it.

You're just going downstairs, for fuck's sake. The only person here is Frank and he's already seen it. He's already told you to not feel ashamed or feel like you need to hide it and keep it covered up. He doesn't judge you. It's fine. You're fine.

I sighed uneasily and spun around, heading out of my room in an oversized MCR shirt and black shorts. It was too hot to wear anything else, and I was not about to make myself sweat my goddamn ass off in the place that I live and call home because I'm too ashamed of my bare skin. I couldn't do that forever.

Covering my arms self consciously, I slowly headed downstairs, my eyes scanning for wherever Frank was. I knew he was around, I just wasn't sure wh-

"You ready?" Frank's voice came from behind me, making me jump and hide my arms behind my back.

Don't be a coward. You're okay. It's just Frank.

"Uh, y-yeah. Whenever you are," I replied, trying to keep my voice shaking to a minimum, letting my arms drop to my sides. I hadn't worn something that covered so little of my arms in a long time. At the hospital, I would always convince the nurses to let me wear one of the scrub jacket kind of things under the condition that they still did checks, so even there I didn't have to walk around with my arms displayed. Right now, I felt incredibly vulnerable and exposed. It had been a long time since I had worn short sleeves around another person. I'm talking pre-self harm days.

Frank's eyes briefly flickered down to my arms, obviously not used to seeing them uncovered, then back up to my face, a small smile tugging at his lips. I knew that smile. That was the smile he would always wear when he would tell me he was proud of me.

To my relief though, he didn't say anything. I didn't want it to be a big deal. Despite only knowing each other for a short time, he knew me well.

"Alrighty then, lets go," he beamed.

I followed him to the basement, pausing while he flicked on the light, then headed down the stairs. I jumped down the last two, causing Frank to turn and look at me funnily before shaking his head and giggling.

"Okay, so, what guitar do ya wanna use?" he asked me as he approached his collection.

"Uhh... I really don't mind," I chuckled, sitting down on the small sofa opposite him. "Whatever you're happy for me to use."

Frank gave me a look and rolled his eyes playfully. "I'm happy for you to use any. Anything in this room you can play with. Nothin's off limits."

My eyes dropped to the ground as a shy smile made its way on my face. I was still getting used to that idea. "You have too many for me to pick - surprise me."

Frank grinned as he pulled a case off the shelf, carrying it over to where I was and placing it on the floor gently.  He opened it to reveal a white Les Paul, taking it out and handing it to me carefully. I loved the way he was so delicate with his guitars off stage, considering on stage he would swing them around recklessly by their strap.

Someone Out There Loves You (Adopted by Frank Iero)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن