Chapter 1

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Kicking the door of the conference room open, Lisa Manoban walked out with a heavy sigh and a tired look written all over her face. Being stuck in there for the past 2 hours, surrounded by papers, documents and smelly middle-aged men, talking about things that she couldn't give less of a fuck about, definitely wasn't one of the things she enjoyed doing. But being a CEO of the biggest company in Korea usually didn't let her have a chance to protest.

Feeling her headache grow, her desire to go home, sit on the balcony of her huge apartment with a glass of expensive red wine and enjoy the night in silence and peace was growing more and more within herself.

Trailing behind her was her secretary, who didn't miss a single chance to remind her about the early flight Lisa had to take the next morning. Because of her busy working schedule, Lisa had to travel around the world constantly, which made it hard for her to be in her home country for long.

As she walked, the loud clicking of her branded high heels filled the silence of the empty space around her until she reached her office. With her chin high up and spine straightened to perfection, she continued on her way, manoeuvring through the employees and making them tremble in fear with the serious look she had on her face.

She couldn't say she was loved among the people working for her. She was a total bitch with them most of the time, her confidence and straightforwardness never ceased to make them oblige to whatever desire she had. One mistake and you would be immediately fired. Lisa was really strict when it came to work. She needed everything done perfectly and right on time or you are out. Working for her was like hell on earth, but the generous pay they got made them stick to her and work their asses off to make her happy.

When she reached her office, she sat down and massaged her temples as her headache got worse than a few minutes ago. She still had some work to finish, which meant she wouldn't be able to go home in the next hour or so. Groaning, she picked up the phone and called her secretary, asking for a painkiller to ease the pain she felt. She wouldn't be able to concentrate on her work if this kept going like that. Not even 2 minutes later, the middle aged woman came running into the room with a pill and a cup of water in hand.

"Here is what you needed, Ms. Manoban" she said as she bowed down. "Can I help you with anything else?"

"No, that's all. Thank you. You are free to go home" she dissmied the woman and watched as she made her way out of the room.

Susan had been her secretary for years and she was the only person Lisa didn't have complaints about. She was doing her job perfectly and always on time, she kept her updated about her schedule and everything going on in the company. She has been with the Manobans for many years, even before Lisa took the place as the CEO, which meant they had a big trust in her, just like she was very frightful to them through all this time.

Lisa gulped the pill, took off her blazer and rolled up the sleeves of her button up to her elbows. She started working, turning page after page, reading and signing papers one by one. She kept checking her watch. It seemed like the time was dragging in the slowest pace possible. Only 30 minutes have passed since she started. It already felt like hours, but she had to finish all these before her flight tomorrow morning. As she was reading through one of the financial reports, she heard her phone ring on her desk. Without looking at the screen, she picked up and glued it to her ear.

"Hello? Lisa Manoban on the phone" she said as she kept reading.

"Yeah, I know it's you, dummy" she heard the person on the other line laugh. She immediately recognized the annoying voice of her best friend.

"Oh, hi Jisoo" she was surprised from her call at this time.

"Where are you?" the older asked.

"I'm still at the company"

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