Chapter 19: Sleepover Pt. 1

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Since Hinata had already informed Daichi that him and Kageyama will be staying the night in Tokyo, Hinata went home with Kenma while Kageyama went with Kuroo.

At Kenma's House
"Hey Kenma... Do you think Kageyama would be fine with Kuroo? They won't fight with each other right?" Hinata was playing video games with Kenma when he suddenly felt worried for Kuroo and Kageyama.

"Hmm... I don't really know... They seemed compatible and not at the same time..." Kenma answered in a normal tone but doesn't like the fact that Hinata was mentioning another guy's name when they are spending their time together even more so worried.

"Do you think we should go over and do something so that they could get closer or even just to see?" As he was thinking about the other two, he didn't pay attention to the changes on Kenma's face.

"They're not babies...and Kuroo is a third year already...I'm sure they could handle themselves even without us..." This time Kenma was starting to get irritated.

"But... You see how they almost fight the moment they met each other yesterday right?" Despite Kenma giving reasons, Hinata still worry for the two other people.

"...You really are stubborn huh..." Kenma said in a soft tone that Hinata couldn't hear.

"Maybe I should go over for a while to see how they are..." Hinata put down the game and was about to stand up when Kenma grab onto him and pinned him on the bed.

"I said let them be... It's not everyday that you could stay over here..."

"What are you doing Kenma? Could it be...that you're jealous?" Hinata didn't knew that Kenma would get jealous just because he was worried about someone else.

"... Yes.. I am jealous...and should I give you an advice on not making me jealous next time?" Kenma whispered into Hinata's ears.

"... Umm...Kenma? This feels weird...///" Hinata could feel the shivers down his spine and he felt something that he had never felt before. Upon that, Hinata could feel the heat on his face rising and his heart beating at a fast pace.

Kenma had the urge to make Hinata completely his but he decided that it was still early for Hinata so he settled for something else.

Kenma kissed Hinata on the lips and Hinata went along as well cause he can't resist the urge too. Their tongues entwined together and they were breathing heavily. After kissing for a while, Hinata gave off an erotic look on his face and Kenma went on to kiss his neck as well. Kenma left some marks on Hinata at places that are not easy to notice. Hinata felt as his mind was blank and he lets Kenma do what his wants.

That went along for sometime and Hinata did properly received Kenma's 'advice'. They were exhausted after that and hugged each other as they fell asleep.

(Pls forgive if I did this badly😣🥺 I'm trying the best I can to write on what I had pictured in my mind but words are hard to form cause my heart is about to burst just by thinking it🥴😵)

This chapter is shorter than usual cause I haven't thought of what to write for KuroKage so I'll continue theirs on the next chapter! 😙 I'll also try my best to update everyday cause exams are coming up in a month😣

Byeee and I hope you enjoy the scene above✨
(btw I've never written anything like this before😛)

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